AK大神出品教程 videocopilot Vol.111 - blast wave 120m|flv| 免费下载地址: http://u.115.com/file/t457917616 另外: AK...
ZBrush 4.0新功能教程 New features tutorial of ZBrush 4.0
ZBrush 是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,...
Adobe CS5 软件教程大合集 Lynda.com Adobe CS5 Complete Video Tutorials 2010
Lynda.com Adobe CS5 Complete Video Tutorials: All secrets for learning Adobe CS5 are in these ...
官方网站: http://www.lynda.com/home/DisplayCourse.aspx?lpk2=62904 Lynda最新出品的Maya 2011: Creating Textur...
Maya2011流体-烟和火焰教材 The.Gnomon.Workshop.Introduction.to.Maya.Fluid.Effects.Vol.1.DVD-iNKiSO
The.Gnomon.Workshop.Introduction.to.Maya.Fluid.Effects.Vol.1.DVD-iNKiSO | Size:1,74 GB官方网站: http://w...
Cgtuts出品 3dmax水墨教程
免费下载地址: http://hotfile.com/dl/53737564/ea14311/Cgtuts-CreateAFluidInkEffectUsingFumeFX3dsMaxAndAfter...
CGTUTS-C4D哑铃建模教学第2日 Cgtuts-ModellingAndRenderingADumbbellsSceneInC4D Day2
免费下载地址: http://u.115.com/file/f1cf5c682b Cgtuts-ModellingAndRenderingADumbbellsSceneInC4DDay2a335.fl...
极品PS男子人体肌肉绘制教程 iDRAWGiRLS Male Muscle Concept I
iDRAWGiRLSMale Muscle Concept I极品PS男子人体肌肉绘制教程,IDG出品的极品Photoshop绘画教程 Male Muscle Concept | | +Brushes...
Tumblr主题网页设计教程 New Premium Series: Tumblr Theme Design – Start to Finish
New Premium Series: Tumblr Theme Design – Start to Finish Mp4 | Theme include | 454 Mb Tumblr’s po...
AE与C4D结合制作logo教程 After Effects Tutorial – Recreate Your Own Tron Title
After Effects Tutorial - Recreate Your Own Tron Title 1280x720 | 1h 50 min | 824 MB | flv Gender: el...
极品PS男性角色设计脸部绘制教程 iDRAWGiRLS Face Constructed III
iDRAWGiRLS - Face Constructed III | .wmv | +brushes | +eBook | 199Mb iDRAWGiRLS Face Constructed III...
Nuke 高级立体电影教程 Digital Tutors Advanced Stereo Workflows in Nuke-Disparity
由Digital Tutors 公司出品的Digital Tutors Advanced Stereo Workflows in Nuke-Disparity教程,Nuke 高级立体电影工作流程教程。...
Lynda.com - Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP and MySQL Release: 9/22/2010 | Work files incl. | 679mb lyn...
WordPress与Dreamweaver CS5 结合制作网页教程 Lynda.com – Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress – QUASAR
Lynda.com - Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress (with Exercise files) - QUASAR | 980 MB Gender: eleaning I...
PS CS5时尚修饰项目教程 Lynda.com.Photoshop.CS5.Fashion.Retouching.Projects-QUASAR
官方网站: http://www.lynda.com/home/DisplayCourse.aspx?lpk2=68497 Lynda.com Photoshop CS5 Fashion Reto...
Illustrator CS5网页设计教程 Lynda.com.Illustrator.CS5.for.Web.and.Interactive.Design-QUASAR
Lynda.com Illustrator CS5 for Web and Interactive Design | 435 MB Video: avc1 MPEG4 (H264) .MOV | 6h...
3DSMax 烟雾特效教程 3D Max Tutorial Afterburn Smoke Effects
3D Max Tutorial - Afterburn Smoke Effects 1280x1024 | 44 min | 284 MB | MP4 Gender: elearning A grea...
InCopy CS5工作流教程 Lynda.com.InDesign.CS5.Collaborative.Workflows.with.InCopy.CS5-QUASAR
Lynda.com InDesign CS5 Collaborative Workflows with InCopy CS5 [Proper] TEAM QUASAR | 09-24-2010 | 1...
Houdini立体效果教程 Digital Tutors Getting Started with Stereoscopy in Houdini
由Digital Tutors 公司出品的Digital Tutors Getting Started with Stereoscopy in Houdini 教程,Houdini立体效果教程 在这个...
3D精品室内建筑装饰模型合辑1-15 Evermotion Archinteriors Bundle vol. 1 – 15
Evermotion Archinteriors Bundle vol. 1 – 15 | 4.45 Gb Format: .max + textures 官方网站: http://www.everm...
三维数字绘画书籍 3dtotal geo2d creating a digital painting from a 3d starting point 2010
3dtotal geo2d creating a digital painting from a 3d starting point 2010 由3dtotal 公司出品的电子书,三维数字绘画的应...
Photoshop CS5秘籍 Stephen BURNS Photoshop CS5 Trickery & FX
Stephen BURNS Photoshop CS5 Trickery & FX 由Stephen BURNS著作的Photoshop CS5 Trickery & FX电子书籍,P...
Photoshop的3D应用书籍 3DTotal Photoshop for 3D July 2010 ebook
3DTotal Photoshop for 3D July 2010 ebook 由3DTotal公司出品的Photoshop for 3D 电子书,Photoshop的3D应用书籍。 本书共6个章节...
Nuke 3D旋转跟踪教程 Digital Tutors 3D Rotation with Trackers and Trigonometry in Nuke
官方网站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/09/training.php?cid=203&pid=284 由Digital Tutors 公司出品的 3D跟踪Dig...