Digital Tutors Exploring Animation Principles in Maya 2011-Pose to Pose and Straight Ahead (探索Maya 2011动画原理教程)
由Digital Tutors 最新出品的Digital Tutors Getting Started with BodyPaint 3D教程,BodyPaint 3D深入学习教程。
BodyPaint 3D 一经推出立刻成为市场上最佳的 UV 贴图软件,众多好莱坞大制作公司的立刻采纳也充分地证明了这一点。 Cinema 4D R10 的版本中将其整合成为 Cinema 4D 的核心模块。
BodyPaint 3D 是现在最为高效、易用的实时三维纹理绘制以及 UV 编辑解决方案,在现在完全整合到 Cinema 4D 中,其独创 RayBrush / Multibrush 等技术完全更改了历史的陈旧的工作流。艺术家只要进行简单的设置,就能够通过 200 多种工具在 3D 物体表面实时进行绘画 ---- 无论这个表面多么复杂奇特。使用单个笔触就能把纹理绘制在 10 个材质通道上,并且每个通道都允许建立带有许多混合模式和蒙板的多个图层。使用革命性的 RayBrush 技术,你甚至可以直接在渲染完成的图象上绘制纹理。
教程所使用的软件:BodyPaint 3D 4.5
In this course we will cover the basics of working in BodyPaint 3D.
Creating believable texture maps is a huge part of creating great characters, props, and environments. BodyPaint 3D is fantastic tool for painting textures interactively on our models, while keeping a lot of the functionality that comes from working in a 2d image editing application. BodyPaint 3D is widely used in the industry and knowing how to use this powerful program will really help you work faster and smarter. In this course we will get a good jump start on working in BodyPaint 3D. We will go over the interface and talk about where everything's located. We will go through the process of setting up textures for our models, complete with multiple channels and layers. We'll cover painting concepts and tools including working with brushes and color. We'll also look at useful concepts like Projection Painting and using the Raybrush Render View to get a better idea of what your texture will look like as you paint. We'll also go over some of the ways you can integrate BodyPaint 3D with other applications like Photoshop, Maya, or 3DS Max. Once you are done, you will be able to jump in and start texturing your own models in BodyPaint 3D.
![]() 1. Introduction and project overview ![]() 3. Using the Paint Setup Wizard
![]() 2. The BodyPaint 3D interface ![]() 4. UV Basics