ZBrush 4最新教程 Digital Tutors Wha is new in ZBrush 4

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由Digital Tutors 最新出品的Digital Tutors Wha is new in ZBrush 4教程,探索ZBrush 4最新特性教程。让你第一时间掌握ZBrush 4强大的新功能
教程所使用的软件:ZBrush 4

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ZBrush 4.0是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,在激发艺术家创作力的同时,ZBrush 产生了一种用户感受,在操作时会感到非常的顺畅。ZBrush 能够雕刻高达 10 亿多边形的模型,所以说限制只取决于的艺术家自身的想象力。

2、贴图功能新增了 spotlight 和 lightbox;
lightbox当然在zbrush3.5r3当中就已经有了,但是在zbrush4.0他被增强了。官方介绍说zbrush 的lightbox功能可以让您足不出户,搜索整个世界网络的lightbox 资源。
而spotlight功能包括纹理、雕刻、图像编辑,最值得一提的是spotlight功能还拥有强大的 先进的背景去除功能 图像编辑工具功能 油漆和纹理功能 交互式花砖功能 聚画功能(就是将一张处理好的预置贴图喷在模型贴图上的功能)无缝配色功能 运用纹理功能(是将贴图的纹理在绘制过程中应用到模型的一个功能)与纹理适配的对称方式使用这些功能探索您的创造力!
3、建模功能上新增了 shadow box(大概是阴影盒子的意思按照灰度蒙版进行模型造型) match maker(大概意思是媒介造型师 按照一个媒介外形打造当前模型的外形) clip brushes(剪辑笔刷对模型进行修剪)
In this course we'll explore some of the new features in ZBrush 4.

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With the release of Zbrush 4 a number of new features have been added that will make sculpting and painting even easier and more fun. In this course we will take a look at some of those new features and how they can be used in your workflow. We'll start by exploring some of the changes to the way we can interact with subtools. We will look at new brush settings like elasticity and topological masking that can help us to shape our models more quickly. We will take a look at the new Shadow Box and Clip Brushes that will really aid us in creating hard surface models. We will also cover Spotlight, a great tool for manipulating and adjusting images and projecting them onto our models. Finally we'll go over some of the new rendering functionality and look at the animation tools and how they can help us better present our models. Once done, you will have a much better idea of some of the new features to look for in Zbrush 4 and how you can start to use those in your own projects.

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1. Introduction and project overview

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3. Elasticity and Topological brush settings

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5. Modeling with ShadowBox

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7. Using the Match Maker Brush

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9. Using the Best-Preview Render

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11. Rendering transparency

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13. Using the animation tools

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15. Using GoZ to work with other applications

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2. Updated Subtool workflow

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4. Polypainting with Layers

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6. Using the Clip Brushes

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8. Working with Spotlight

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10. Rendering sub-surface scattering

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12. Working with Mannequins

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14. Saving ZProjects


