《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012

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《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片1


本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构最新出品的MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程。


《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片2

《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片3《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片3《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片3 《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片3


《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片4

MotionBuilder目前已经被用于制作多个知名的娱乐项目,包括《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf)、《战争机器2》(Gears of War 2)、《肖恩·怀特滑雪》(Shaun White Snowboarding) 和《抵抗2》(Resistance 2)。

Alias MotionBuilder是用于游戏、电影、广播电视和多媒体制作的世界一流的实时三维角色动画生产力套装软件。利用实时的、以角色为中心的工具的集合,对于从传统的插入关键帧到运动捕捉编辑范围内的各种任务,该软件为技术指导和艺术家提供了处理最苛刻的、高容量的动画的功能。它的固有文件格式(FBX)使在创建三维内容的应用软件之间具有无与伦比的互用性 — 使MotionBuilder成为可以增强任何现有制作生产线的补充软件包。

《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片5
《MotionBuilder 2012游戏影视三维角色动画教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012-图片5
Actor 工具已经使用 Python 脚本语言推出,通过自动设置动作捕捉数据并将其传输至角色,来帮助用户节省时间。
Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011 已经与最新版的 Autodesk HumanIK 中间件进行整合。AutodeskMotionBuilder 的姿势控制、角色控制和角色定义表目前也可以与 HumanIK 插件共同使用。MotionBuilder 的角色模板已经进行更新,从而加强了对 3ds Max Biped 的支持。
Autodesk Softimage 2011 软件现在包括 MotionBuilder Template 工具,方便了不同应用之间的角色数据交换。在 MotionBuilder 内对 Qt 用户界面元素的支持使开发人员能够利用业界标准用户界面工具包帮助打造 Open Reality 软件开发包插件。

Digital-Tutors : Introduction to MotionBuilder 2012

2 hrs. 42 min. |Released on August 1, 2011 |Project Files Included (135 MB)

Required Software: MotionBuilder 2012

In this series of lessons, you will be provided with the foundations of working inside of MotionBuilder.

In this series of lessons, we'll learn the foundations of working inside of MotionBuilder. We'll begin by familiarizing ourselves with MotionBuilder's interface and how to load in files and other assets. We'll learn how to move objects in 3d space and learn how to work with its Transport Controls for playing back animation. We'll learn about its keyframing tools, like the Key Controls and Fcurves window, for creating, polishing, and cycling animation. We'll then discuss Characterization, which is the process of making your characters ready for animation and retargeting. We'll learn how to work with its advanced Control Rig and how to use its Pose Controls to build performances faster. From there, we will learn how to work with its robust animation layering system, how to set up cameras, and how to create real-time movies for previews. This course will provide you with the solid foundation you need to comfortably integrate MotionBuilder into your production pipeline to create animation faster and easier.

28 videos in this course

1. Introduction and project overview
2. Loading files into MotionBuilder
3. Exploring MotionBuilder's navigation controls
4. Transforming objects in MotionBuilder
5. Saving and Undo preferences
6. The View and Display menus
7. Working with the Transport Controls
8. Parenting and Aligning objects
9. The Key Controls window
10. Extra Keying Modes
11. Characterizing a character model
12. The Control Rig
13. Auxiliary Pivots
14. Setting up Floor Contacts
15. Pose Controls
16. Retargeting animation
17. Animation Layers
18. Managing animation in the Fcurves window
19. Seamlessly cycling animation in the FCurves window
20. FCurves and the Key Controls window
21. Looping motion capture in-place to create cycles
22. Working with Trajectories
23. The Parent/Child constraint
24. The Multi-Referential constraint
25. Creating a custom camera
26. Switching between cameras during playback via the Story window
27. Rendering out movies for previews
28. Exporting files in no time with the new Send To feature

