VUE平顶山制作技巧之侵蚀山体 QuadSpinner Mesa Mastery Erosion worldmachine and vue8 training

学习教程VUE平顶山制作技巧之侵蚀山体 QuadSpinner Mesa Mastery Erosion worldmachine and vue8 training已关闭评论1,463

VUE平顶山制作技巧之侵蚀山体  QuadSpinner Mesa Mastery Erosion worldmachine and vue8 training

QuadSpinner Mesa Mastery Erosion worldmachine and vue8 training VUE平顶山制作技巧之侵蚀山体教程

Mesa Mastery is the QuadSpinner series that will help you become the Chieftain of nature's mystical mesas. Exquisitely beautiful, these majestic monuments whisper tales of the Ancients to the wind. And it is the wind that carries these stories through generations.

Kicking off the Mesa Mastery series is our tutorial on Erosion. Old and weather-worn, mesas are a phenomenon caused by erosion - the whittling away of matter by the wind and other elements. This slow process creates a magnificent portrait that is ever changing in color, texture, form and size.

In this video, presented by Dax Pandhi, you will:

- Learn how to merge the sophistication of Vue and World Machine
- Create authentic natural erosion in World Machine for Vue’s Procedural Terrains
- Produce stratified terrains by employing the mutually exclusive features of Vue and World Machine
- Maximize the power of Vue's terrain fractals and stratification when combined with World Machine's super detailed erosion process which includes erosion-oriented natural distribution of materials
- Tip the scales with Vue's Strata Tilting for superior erosion

QuadSpinner-Mesa Mastery Erosion(Vue & World Machine tutorial) 2010
English | H264 1280x800 15fps 1526kbps | AAC 44kHz 1411Kbps | 383 MB
Genre: Video training

Description: This latest lesson in Vue and a separate program generation landscape World Machine tells you
how to create and render a very beautiful and realistic mountain landscapes.

