3D立体特效AE教程 Digital-Tutors: Stereoscopic 3D in After Effects

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Digital-Tutors: Stereoscopic 3D in After Effects (2009) | 619 Mb

Stereoscopic 3D in After Effects - An in-depth guide to creating stereoscopic 3D imagery in post production. Create 3D experiences directly in After Effects. Learn how to make stereoscopic 3D imagery and gain a deeper understanding of mathematics of stereo imagery, tips for creating safer stereo renders, and building camera rigs to create one of the most powerful effects in cinema.

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Contains nearly 3 hours of project-driven training and step-by-step examples for any artist using After Effects.

Type: Tutorial
Release Date: 02/13/2009
Publisher: Digital-Tutors
Homepage: www.digitaltutors.com/09/training.php?cid=26&pid=3612
Language: English
Software: After Effects 7 and up (After Effects CS4 required to open project files)
Platform: Mac / PC
Run Time: 2 hrs. 50 min., 1 discs
Format: CD-ROM

Popular highlights include:
- Stereoscopy Overview
- Rules of Safe Stereo
- Anaglyph Filtering
- Stereo 3D workflow
- Camera Rigs
- 3D Objects in After Effects
- Mathematics of Stereo Imagery
- Creating Interactive Guides to Help Visualize
- Color Correcting Stereo Imagery
- Composting Stereo Pair Renders from Maya
- Expressions
- Controlling Zero Parallax
- Interaxial Separation
- Creating a Camera Dolly System
- Animating Cameras with Dolly System
- Photoshop 3D Layers
- 3D Assets with Photoshop
- Assembling Multiple Compositions with Expressions
- Zero Parallax Controls in 3D Scene
- Interaxial Separation Controls
- Avoiding Keystoning and Other Stereo Distortions
- Creating a Stereo Camera Rig for Photoshop 3D Objects

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Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction and Project Overview 2:52
2. Creating an Anaglyphic Stereo set-up 11:32
3. Setting up the Zero Parallax 4:06
4. Building a control system to edit the Zero Parallax point 10:34
5. Creating a camera dolly system and separation controls 12:41
6. Building a center camera rig 13:38
7. Cleaning up the project and adding render comps 8:16
8. Applying Safe Stereo rules to control maximum disparity 11:27
9. Building a Safe Stereo visualization tool 22:29
10. Creating a visualization representation of the Safe Zone 13:58
11. Cleaning up the final Stereo rig for easier animation 4:55
12. Defining Stereoscopics 1;22
13. Analyzing the different filter types 4:52
14. Covering the rules of Safe Stereo 3:49
15. Compositing Stereo pair renders from Maya 8:57
16. Preparing an OBJ in Maya for use in Photoshop 4:25
17. Importing 3D layers from Photoshop into After Effects 8:17
18. Setting up the Stereo rig to work with Photoshop 3D layers 8:15
19. Tying together the Photoshop 3D Controllers 4:56
20. Color correcting for Anaglyph renders 8:08


