《渲染神器Indigo Renderer 3.0.12 64位版》Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64

最新资源《渲染神器Indigo Renderer 3.0.12 64位版》Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64已关闭评论3,072

《渲染神器Indigo Renderer 3.0.12 64位版》Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64-图片1


Indigo Renderer 3.0引入了大量的下一代功能,例如交互场景编辑和摄像机控制,强大的渲染引擎现在可以同时支持面向CUDA和OpenCL的GPU加速。




Indigo是一个逼真的渲染器,能够仿真物理灯光,达到近乎完美的图像逼真度。它结合了先进的物理摄像机模式、超现实的材质系统,通过Metropolis Light Transport,它还有能力仿真极其复杂的灯光条件。Indigo Renderer能够满足建筑上最苛刻的写实要求和产品可视化。

Indigo渲染器支持的三维软件有3ds Max、Blender、SketchUp和Cinema 4D。

《渲染神器Indigo Renderer 3.0.12 64位版》Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64-图片2

《渲染神器Indigo Renderer 3.0.12 64位版》Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64-图片3

《渲染神器Indigo Renderer 3.0.12 64位版》Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64-图片4

Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64

Indigo Renderer is an unbiased, physically based and photorealistic renderer which simulates the physics of light to achieve near-perfect image realism. With an advanced physical camera model, a super-realistic materials system and the ability to simulate complex lighting situations through Metropolis Light Transport, Indigo Renderer is capable of producing the highest levels of realism demanded by architectural and product visualization.

Now with the release of Indigo 3.0, new features such as GPU acceleration and realtime material editing make the creation and rendering of photorealistic images faster and easier than ever.

Indigo RT
Glare Technologies is proud to announce the commercial availability of a new physically-based rendering solution which offers unprecedented value in the high end unbiased rendering market: Indigo RT.

The sophisticated technology that lies at the heart of Indigo Renderer is now available to artists who do not require the functionality aimed at specialist applications, but demand the highest rendering quality available on the market.

Indigo Render+RT 3.0.12 x86/x64
