Red Giant TV出品 – AE工程与教程合集

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Red Giant TV出品的AE教程合集的第一卷

用于Adobe After Effects的免费视频教程:红大型电视 - 第一册
RAR的:2.93 GB的(的unrar:3.10 GB)的

寻找事件的提上了快车道您创造最热门的动态图形和视觉效果。显示功能的一个或多个红巨星结合使用内置工具产品,在 After Effects,Final Cut Pro中,和Premiere Pro来。主机阿哈龙拉比诺维茨演示的技术需要更少的时间生产更高质量的工作。




在这一集,了解合成技术,不属于键控。使用的工具可用于After Effects的,首演,Final Cut Pro中,运动,拉斯维加斯和Avid,你会发现如何改善你的工作少了复合材料的质量。

05.Controlling时间与音频 - 铂。 1
在这一集,阿哈拉比诺维茨您展示了如何使用音频控制时间。您将了解如何使您的视频自动将及时着音乐的节拍 - 在音乐录影带和广告吨,采用的技术。

06.Controlling时间与音响 - 铂。 2

在这一集,为我们将看到一些非常有用的 Trapcode的特殊技巧,让您更好地控制发射器的位置在二维和三维。您还将学习如何捕捉你的鼠标(或触控笔)来控制发射器位置的议案。



在这一集,阿哈拉比诺维茨显示您如何创建一个现实的交通格局的背景下 - 一个场景中,镜头从高俯视山一低洼,但发展领域 - 或许俯视一居民区大。

11.Form面 - 第1部分
创建一个漂亮的玩具推针效果就像在Radiohead 的“卡之家”的视频。本教程向您介绍如何创建一个令人瞠目的3D画面效果相结合,定期与红巨星的流行Trapcode表格插件。

12.Form脸 - 第2部分

与Final Cut Pro的13.Compositing该媒体展
在这个红色大型电视插曲,约翰花时间落后的场面,媒体展示我们分享他在Final Cut Pro的合成工作流程。

圣丹斯著名电影制片人/导演埃里克埃斯科瓦尔论述了生产过程 - 寻觅地点,铸造,灯光,拍摄,和如何需要生产计划后,在这前面步骤。

在这个红色大型电视节目,阿哈拉比诺维茨显示你把里面的一个粒子系统的中间层的一种技术 - 整合的关键,真正的与您的生活行动的CGI画面或动画效果。

在这一集,阿哈拉比诺维茨介绍如何获得更好的合成与光裹结果 - 用于融合在一个综合的背景光及前景元素更令人信服的效果。

在Final Cut 17.Color分级与魔术子弹看起来临
在这一集,获奖导演,菲利普布卢姆引导过程中,你的颜色分级他的电影“回归珍宝在Final Cut Pro”,使用魔术子弹样子。





在本周的插曲,罪恶之城的视觉效果总监 - 和我们的新创意总监 - 斯图马施威茨,显示您如何获得百视达看看夏季出现在变形金刚2,终结者:救世军,以及佩勒姆1-2-3为例。

在这个红色大型电视节目,阿哈拉比诺维茨显示您如何创建一个文本和其他元素的疯狂冷静过渡。本教程为基础所以一定要检查它的RGTV 21集,其中阿哈涵盖了文本到砂过渡。

在这个红色大型电视,考虑到在Trapcode特殊2 的新功能介绍Maltaanon回报插曲。不仅仅是一个概述更多,你会看到几个现实世界的例子,这将有助于迅速启动,尤其2你的工作。


在这个红色大型电视节目,给你阿哈拉比诺维茨与一些很酷的数字文本的工作技巧,像视频游戏得分和其他数字读数的事情。任何第三方插件是在本教程 - 只需直接影响后。

27.Building机场的场景 - 第1部分:背板

28.Building机场的场景 - 第2部分:合成

在这个红色大型电视插曲,添克拉珀姆向您介绍如何使用 Trapcode表格来创建一个凉爽一些转型期粒子为基础的3D文字沿和关闭。





在这个红色大型电视,自由设计师罗伯特赫拉尼茨基事件向您介绍如何服用2静止图像,并利用它们来创建逼真的三维场景雷雨 - 随着Photoshop的帮助作用后,Trapocode特殊和视野。



Free Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects: Red Giant TV - Vol.1
Red Giant Software: Red Giant TV
Rar: 2.93 GB (UnRar: 3.10 GB)

Find episodes that put you on the fast track to creating the hottest motion graphics and visual effects. The shows feature one or more Red Giant products used in combination with the tools built-in to After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and Premiere Pro. Host Aharon Rabinowitz demonstrates the techniques you need to produce higher quality work in less time.

01.Binary Transition Part 1
By Aharon Rabinowitz
This episode shows you how to use Trapcode Form to create a dramatic transition where footage breaks into binary code, and re-forms as different footage.

02.Binary Transition Part 2
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this Episode, Aharon shows you how to improve on and finish the binary transition project by working with Time Remapping and Camera animation. Plus, see how Magic Bullet Looks and Trapcode Shine help add the finishing touches.

03.Looping a Particle System
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this Episode, you'll learn how to set up a seamless looping particle system. We'll be using Trapcode Particular and Starglow to create a stylized holiday snowstorm, but the concepts can be adapted for anything from backgrounds to lower 3rds.

04.Better Compositing Techniques
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this Episode, learn about compositing techniques that fall outside of keying. Using tools available for After Effects, Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Vegas and Avid, you'll discover ways to improve the quality of your composite with less work.

05.Controlling Time with Audio - Pt. 1
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to use audio to control time. You'll learn how to make your video automatically move forward in time to the music's beat - a technique used in tons of music videos and commercials.

06.Controlling Time with Audio - Pt. 2
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode, Aharon continues to explore how audio can be used to control time, but he expands on that by showing you how it can be used to change the look of the footage as well.

07.Getting Better Control of Emitter Position in Trapcode Particular
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this Episode, we'll look at some very useful techniques for Trapcode Particular that will give you better control of emitter position in 2D and 3D. You'll also learn how to capture the motion of your mouse (or stylus) to control emitter position.

08.Creating and Working with Complex 3D Projects
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode, Aharon shares some tips for simplifying and working with 3D compositions. You'll also get a look at some cool tools designed to easily distribute and arrange layers in 3D space, and that help in creating complex 3D shapes.

09.Creating a Watercolor Painting Look
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode, Aharon shows you how to turn your video into an animated watercolor painting, and shares some techniques in varying the look and color.

10.Creating Traffic Patterns
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to create a realistic traffic pattern backdrop - great for a scene in which the camera overlooks a low lying, but developed area - perhaps looking down from a high hill onto a residential neighborhood.

11.Form Face - Part 1
By Maltaannon
Create a slick push pin toy effect as seen in the Radiohead “House of Cards” video. This tutorial shows you how to create an eye-popping 3D effect by combining regular footage with Red Giant's popular Trapcode Form plug-in.

12.Form Face - Part 2
By Maltaannon
In part 1 of this tutorial, Maltaannon showed us how to create an awesome push-pin 3D face, using Red Giant's Trapcode Form. In part 2, he'll enhance the effect by going deeper into Form's properties, and doing some camera work.

13.Compositing with Final Cut Pro for That Media Show
By John Flowers
In this Episode of Red Giant TV, John Flowers takes us behind the scenes of That Media Show to share his workflow for compositing in Final Cut Pro.

14.Planning for Post in your Filmmaking Production Workflow
By Eric Escobar
Sundance acclaimed filmmaker/director Eric Escobar discusses the production process - scouting locations,casting, lighting, filming, and how one needs to plan for post production during these earlier steps.

15.Better Compositing with Particles
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you a technique for placing layers inside the middle of a particle system - crucial to truly integrating your CGI effects with your live action footage or motion graphics.

16.Better Compositing with Light Wraps
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this Episode, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to get better compositing results with Light Wraps - an effect used to blend the background light and foreground elements more convincingly during a composite.

17.Color Grading in Final Cut Pro with Magic Bullet Looks
By Philip Bloom
In this Episode, award-winning director, Philip Bloom walks you through the process of color grading his film "Return to Dungeness" in Final Cut Pro, using Magic Bullet Looks.

18.Compositing Tips from 'Greenscreen Made Easy'
By Michele Yamazaki
In this Episode, the Toolfarm's Michele Yamazaki shares a ton of great compositing tips from her new book, Greenscreen Made Easy.

19.Creating a Transporter Effect
By Eran Stern
In this episode, Chief Engineer Eran Stern works furiously to get his Starship's transporters back on-line to rescue a fellow crew member trapped on a hostile planet. But time is running out. Will Eran be able to build the transporter in AE in time?

20.Creating a 3D picture Montage with Trapcode Particular
By Rob Birnholz
In this Episode, Rob Birnholz shows you a great technique for quickly creating a 3D picture montage with Trapcode Particular. It takes just minutes to set up, but can save you hours of work.

21.Creating a Text to Sand Transition
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to create the effect of text (or a logo) dissolving to sand and blowing away. You'll also learn how to reverse the transition, so that sand forms into text.

22.Creating a Summer Blockbuster Film Look
By Stu Maschwitz
In this week's episode, Sin City's Visual Effects Supervisor - and our new Creative Director - Stu Maschwitz, shows you how to get the Summer Blockbuster look seen in Transformers 2, Terminator: Salvation, and The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3.

23.Peel-Away Vortex Transition
By Aharon Rabinowitz
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to create an insanely cool transition for text and other elements. This tutorial builds on RGTV Episode 21, where Aharon covered a text-to-sand transition, so make sure to check it out.

24.An Introduction to Trapcode Particular 2
By Maltaannon
In this Episode of Red Giant TV, Maltaanon returns with an introduction to the new features in Trapcode Particular 2. More than just an overview, you'll see several real-world examples that will help jump start your work with Particular 2.

25.Creating a Crowd Scene with Particular 2
By Harry Frank
In this rockin' episode of Red Giant TV, Motion Designer Harry Frank shows you how to create a realistic crowd scene using Trapcode Particular 2. He'll also create a similar scene using Trapcode Form.

26.Score! Working with Numeric Text
By Harry Frank
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Aharon Rabinowitz gives you some cool tips for working with Numeric Text, for things like video game scores and other digital readouts. No 3rd Party Plug-ins are used in this tutorial - Just straight After Effects.

27.Building an Airport Scene - Part 1: Backplate
By Mathias Mohl
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Mathias Mohl shows you how to take footage of a parking lot, and turn it into the back plate for an airport scene.

28.Building an Airport Scene - Part 2: Compositing
By Mathias Mohl
In this episode of RG TV, Mathias Mohl continues his airport project. Learn how to motion track with Mocha For After Effects, and then to use that data along with his own MochaImport script to easily create a solid composite.

29.Form Text
By Tim Clapham
In this Episode of Red Giant TV, Tim Clapham shows you how to use Trapcode Form to create some particle-based 3D text along with a cool transition on and off.

30.3D Motion Graphics Logo
By Carl Larsen
In this tutorial, Carl Larsen shows you how to create an array of 3D particles using Trapcode Form and Red Giant Plane Space to achieve a look that, under most circumstances, has been reserved for more complex, 3d applications.

31.Creating an Old-School Sci-Fi TV Opening
By Chad Perkins
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Chad Perkins shows you how to create various elements for use in a Twilight Zone-esque TV show opening, using After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator and Cinema 4D. Get ready to kick it old-school...

32.Feature Film Title Treatment
By Chad Bonanno
In this episode of RGTV, Chad Bonanno shows you how he created the motion graphics titles for the feature film "Dreamgirls." These titles were also used in the broadcast ads and trailers for the award-winning film.

33.Creating a Death Eater Apparition Effect
By Michael Park
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Michael Park shows you how to create the Death Eater Apparition Effect, as seen in the "Harry Potter" films.

34.3D Thunderstorm Scene
By Robert Hranitzky
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Freelance Designer Robert Hranitzky shows you how to take 2 still images and use them to create a realistic 3D Thunderstorm scene - along with the help of Photoshop, After Effects, Trapocode Particular and Horizon.

35.Creating a Christmas Tree with Trapcode Particular
By Michael Park
In this episode of Red Giant TV, Michael Park returns to us with a fantastic tutorial on creating a Christmas tree (complete with lights and star at the top) with Trapcode Particular. You'll also use Trapcode Starglow to enhance the look.

