《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens

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《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片1

《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片2GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!让我们在CG设计路上不再独行!让我们共同期待!让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面!少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同! Gnomon的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐.

由Gnomon 最新推出的大型游戏环境建模教程:Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens


作者Nate Stephens 是一位环境艺术家,过去的10年中,一直工作在视频游戏产业的环境艺术里。内特通过在许多项目的工作已成为在所有学科包括建模,纹理,动画,和照明的专家。在他的职业生涯中,他一直为这样的公司,如索尼圣莫尼卡工作室,暴雪娱乐的Swingin'Ape工作室,和隐秘的工作室。目前索尼圣莫尼卡铅环境艺术家,内特工程,推动发展及获奖的游戏图形以及游戏内容方面。

官方网站: http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/955/

《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片3


《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片4

《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5《Maya大型游戏环境建模教程》Gnomon Environment Modeling for Games with Nate Stephens-图片5

Gnomon Workshop - Environment Modeling for Games | .mov | 2.51Gb

In this demonstration, Nate explains and shows the process by which a piece of concept art is interpreted and used to model out a game environment in Maya. In the process, Nate will explain various modeling tools, techniques, and workflows, as well as numerous theories and methods used to create game art. A timelapse video of the entire modeling session is included so that the viewer can see and understand all the techniques being used. Nate will also cover common errors and mistakes to avoid so that the scene will run efficiently in real time and light correctly.
Concept ArtScene BlockoutTranslation ToolsModeling ToolsModeling with CurvesProxy ModelingSelection ToolsModeling from Concept, Part 1Modeling from Concept, Part 2Modeling from Concept, Part 3Modeling from Concept, Part 4Modeling CleanupHigh Poly DetailConclusion
