本模板是关于柔和流畅水墨烟雾滴落logo动画演绎AE模板,大小:350 MB,格式:AEP ,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:AE CS6 - CC 2018。内附使用教程。人人素材整理发布。
AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。
The inks are falling in the water like smoke and placeholders made from smoke very smoothly. The Aftereffects project is created For your Title, memory album, fashion gallery, and videos Display the project have an inspiration to floating smoke in the sky and is very Gentle, mild, smooth, moderate and soft process motion graphic . also you can use ink drops falling in water footages separately for title or slideshow.
The after effects template is an AEP project and created to be really easy customized. Insert text, change fonts, colors.
Your own Shape acceptable
10 Placeholders(each one accepts images, texts or etc)
Very Fast Render
No Plug-ins Required
Help documentation
You can change placeholder for Video or Picture
You can only change the text and make title video
Big variety of coordination with kinds of music And Genres
All ink footages and soft sound effect included
Technical Details