工业光魔采用SpeedTree Cinema软件来制作电影《阿凡达》中潘朵拉星球上的树木场景。IDV的新版本软件SpeedTree Studio已经上市,售价895美元。
IDV已经推出了Speed Tree Studio,这是SpeedTree Cinema树木制作软件的实惠版本,价格会有所下降。新产品将这项技术的价格从4995美元降到895美元。
SpeedTree Studio有许多SpeedTree Cinema中的功能,包括用程序或是手绘来制作树木的选项,还有模拟风的效果的选项;但是缺少浮动许可证,世界的构建,直接研发支持和64-bit版本。
产品中附带了5个树木模型,但是您可以在网上从SpeedTree Model Library中购买更多的模型。
SpeedTree is a suite of 3D-modeling tools that combines the efficiency of procedural modeling with the flexibility of hand modeling. Since its launch in 2001, SpeedTree has been used in hundreds of AAA and indie games and more than a hundred movies and television episodes. The software has earned a Scientific and Technical Academy Award and an Engineering Emmy, both in 2015.
New Features
Mesh-Based Smooth Normals
Leaf and frond meshes have new lighting properties allowing them to compute smooth normals based on the mesh after procedural deformation has been applied (this was only approximated in previous versions).
Improved Quadification
Quad indices for triangle only meshes are computed with a new, faster algorithm that creates more evenly distributed quads. This is particularly noticeable on high poly meshes.
Bug Fixes
File Dialog Crash
The crash associated with previously available drives no longer being accessible has been fixed.
Lumberyard Face Winding
The face winding for Lumberyard exports has been modified to work with both the vegetation shaders (this always worked) and non two-sided shaders.
Unwrapping Fixes
A bug where shell generators could be mapped incorrectly during unwrapped exports has been corrected. Small items that were scaled up could cause overlapping in the atlas – this issue has also been corrected. In addition, an improvement has been made in the algorithm to prevent the unwanted expansion of tiny details.