本插件是关于Cebas ThinkingParticles动态特效模拟3dsmax插件V6.6.0.134版,大小:90 MB,支持3dsmax 2018软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。人人素材整理发布。
Cebas方面在Siggraph大会前宣布,thinkingParticles的未来版本将推动该公司的3ds Max插件发展,使其功能远远超出常规粒子工作领域。
ThinkingParticles™ is one of cebas’ flagship plugins widely known for its fully procedural and physically accurate, real world destruction and special effects simulations in the movie industry.
Countless blockbuster movies and projects have depended on thinkingParticles’ limitless ability to portray advanced physics-based particle effects that are simply mind-blowing!
Now with the advent of Subscription Drop 4, fully procedural fluid dynamics goes into amazing Viscoelastic effects with soft body simulations.
This simply means greater artistic license to create and re-create countless combined simulations involving fluid dynamics, soft bodies and rigid bodies in multiple actions, down to a realistic particle level