
3D 模型帅气科幻皮革金属风格女性铠甲套装3D模型合集已关闭评论2,354
帅气科幻皮革金属风格女性铠甲套装3D模型合集47 / 作者:小丫头11 / 帖子ID:16750399,5175310

本模型是关于帅气科幻皮革金属风格女性铠甲套装3D模型合集大小:540MB,可调整替换很多细节,供广大设计师学习使用。需要使用软件DAZ Studio或者Poser 人人素材整理发布

使用方法1:安装DAZ Studio软件,直接将Content下的文件复制DAZ的资源库My DAZ 3D Library里面,安装完后(重启软件)可直接在Content Library里面调用!模型都可以输出为Maya等其他软件使用格式!
使用方法2:把 IM 开头的 zip 包下载下来后放到同一个文件夹内, 打开DIM→Settings→Downloads, 把 Download to 改为放 zip 的文件夹, 点击 Accept, DIM会自动识别素材包, 安装时DIM会自动更新素材数据库, 安装好后可以直接在 Smart Content 或 Content Library 中调用。

如需要Genesis 8 Female(s)基础模型组,请点击这里
如需要Genesis 3 Female(s)基础模型组,请点击这里

DAZ Studio是DAZ3d公司出品的一款3D造型应用软件,使用DAZ Studio,用户能轻易地创造美好的数字艺术. 用户可以使用这个软件在人,动物,车辆,建筑物,道具,配件和创造数字场景。 DAZ3D公司是他为Poser开发的大量可编辑三维人物造型库开始的。在经过几年的造型库开发的技术积累。DAZ3D推出了自己的三维人物动画软件DAZ Studio。

DAZ Studio拥有一个可以编辑的骨骼系统,大多数功能通过参数盘很容易操作。DAZ Studio的材质编辑允许用户改变属性,编辑的材质属性有表面颜色,表面贴图,凹凸贴图,透明贴图,位移贴图等。不但支持本身的DZ格式并且支持OBJ和PZ3格式的输出。DAZ Studio的渲染采用DNASOFT公司技术,并且支持业界著名的Renderman渲染器,渲染的质量速度都不错。
DAZ Studio是一个独特的艺术和动画设计工具,可选用虚拟人物,动物,道具,车辆,配件,环境等等元素。只要选择你需要的主题及设置,配置元素,设置光线效果,就可以创造出美丽艺术品。继承了前版的优势,DAZ Studio 4使用了一个新UI,并且更加易于使用。在应用程序中包括视频教程用于帮助用户使用,还有许多提高创作的技术创新。




HoloFlow Xps 2 is an add-on set for Holoflow G8 and G3 versions which includes two wonderful and detailed styles and a LIE dirt option which works on ALL HoloFlow basic and add-on Styles.

All Styles are high-quality, high-detailed PBR styles, included the LIE maps, so that everything will always look great and realistic.

an elegant, rich style that features decorated leather, screen printed silk and metallic, hand-painted, swirly details.
It comes in two color palettes: Blue/Gold/Brown leather and Red/Silver/Black leather
It's a great fantasy everyday or elegant style and can fit characters of any kind: nobles, wizards or practical mages, bards and minstrels or even lightly armed clerics
It's also great for sci-fantasy settings where fantasy and urban or sci-fi mingle
a typical sci-fi style with focus on the rough side of things, it features rough leather and armored top
It comes in two color palettes: Orange armor/Brown Leather and Blue armor/Black leather
It's a great all-around sci-fi style that works for outer space settings, as well as cyberpunk, post-apocalyptic or even as a reinforced more everyday clothing set
a DIRT options is provided through LIE files. Included are transparent .png files that will be applied on top of ANY HoloFlow style you want. This includes all add-on styles new and old and all the basic styles included in the main package.
These Dirt options offer an additional layer of complexity and versatility as well as realism since no action scene should be too pristine!
What's Included and Features
HoloFlow Xps 2
LIE Dirt
Boots Dirt
Gloves Dirt
Shirt Dirt
Shorts Dirt
Spinal Dirt
Complete Fantasy
Complete Fantasy Dark
Fantasy Boots
Fantasy Gloves
Fantasy Shirt
Fantasy Shorts
Fantasy Spinal
Fantasy Dark Boots
Fantasy Dark Gloves
Fantasy Dark Shirt
Fantasy Dark Shorts
Fantasy Dark Spinal
Complete Sci-Rough Blue
Complete Sci-Rough
Sci Rough Boots
Sci Rough Gloves
Sci Rough Shirt
Sci Rough Shorts
Sci Rough Spinal
SR Blue Boots
SR Blue Gloves
SR Blue Shirt
SR Blue Shorts
SR Blue Spinal
Textures Include
72 Base Color, Glossiness, Height, Metallic, Normal and Roughness Maps (4096 x 4096)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)
This product includes:
1 DSON Core Installer

