完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版

平面素材完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版已关闭评论901
完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版41 / 作者:相视而笑 / 帖子ID:16723778,3782088

本PS模板是由creativemarket机构出品的完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版,大小:43.3 MB,格式:PSD,分辨率:1350×900,包含完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版PSD文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

Adobe Photoshop,简称“PS”,是由Adobe Systems开发和发行的图像处理软件,主要处理以像素所构成的数字图像。使用其众多的编修与绘图工具,可以有效地进行图片编辑工作。ps有很多功能,在图像、图形、文字、视频、出版等各方面都有涉及。


W1 UI Kit – the biggest UI Kit for Apple Watch apps. W1 contains more than 200 screens that will meet any needs you may have in your designing process. Each screen is fully customizable, exceptionally easy to use and carefully assembled in Sketch, which makes it easy to export. Free fonts used. W1 UI Kit is the best way for you to design your custom app for Apple Watch.
You can find lots of activity screens, infographics, loading screens, custom menus, profile pages, order pages, etc.
200 Unique Screens
SF fonts
Neatly organized layers
Easy customization
Sketch File
700+ Components
Easily Scalable
Pixel Perfect

完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版
完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版
完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版
完美的Apple Watch应用程序UI套件PSD模版
