该公司还发布了3ds Max Interactive 2.0,这个版本的软件是用来处理建筑可视化工作的Stingray游戏引擎,现在与3ds Max捆绑订阅了。
3ds Max自身的主要变化就是更新了3ds Max 2018.3版本中新增了流体模型工具集。
3ds Max Batch,在3ds Max 2014.2版本中是用于背景渲染或模拟的用户界面免费模式,现在成为独立的可执行文件,增加了新的选项包括通过批处理脚本载入场景文件的功能。
《3dsMax 2018新功能训练视频教程》中文字幕版:http://www.rr-sc.com/thread-16730156-1-1.html
《3dsMax 2017全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:http://www.rr-sc.com/thread-16715746-1-1.html

3D Studio Max,常简称为3ds Max或MAX,是Autodesk公司开发的基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件,最新版本是2013。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首选开始运用在电脑游戏中的动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作,例如:《X战警II》,《最后的武士》等。
3dsmax是目前autodesk官方针对中国用户而开发的一款三维设计制图软件,全称为autodesk 3ds max,软件提供了到目前为止功能最强、最丰富的工具集,无论美工人员所在的行业有什么需求,都能为他们提供所需的三维工具来创建富有灵感的体验。3dsmax新版本拥有许多种新功能,允许用户创建自定义工具,并轻松共享其工作,从而方便团队间进行协作。它还使新用户可以更迅速、更有信心地投入工作。新的基于节点的编程系统使用户可以扩展3ds Max的功能,并与其他用户共享新创建的工具。此外,外部参照革新简化了团队间和整个制作流程中的协作。使用Autodesk A360渲染支持和新的物理摄影机,3ds Max用户可以更加轻松地创建真实照片级图像。新支持的OpenSubdiv 和双四元数蒙皮功能可以帮助美工人员提高建模效率,新摄影机序列器使美工人员和设计人员可以更方便地指挥控制故事演示。新的设计工作区提供了基于任务的工作流程,这些工作流程使软件的主功能更易于访问,而且新模板系统为用户提供了基准线设置,因此使项目能够快速开始并更成功地进行渲染。以上新功能将带设计者更加丰富的创意设计,是目前工作中最优秀3d设计软件。
Autodesk 3ds Max 2018 Update 4 Win x64
Autodesk 3ds Max - a popular software package designed for editing 3-dimensional graphics and its visualization. 3ds Max is great for creating simple and complex structured 3D objects - animals, people, buildings. The program also allows you to perform deep modeling of the natural environment, including lighting, water, trees, wind. 3ds MAX - a true leader among the tools that are used in interior design and architecture.
The main features of 3D Studio Max:
3D modeling - Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk 3ds Max Design feature the most comprehensive 3D modeling tools in the industry:
The modeling capabilities with polygons, splines and inhomogeneous rational B-splines (NURBS) allow the efficient creation of parametric and organic objects.
A set of Graphite modeling tools, which includes more than 100 tools for modeling using polygons and creating 3D arbitrary forms, opens up scope for the development of creative thought.
ProOptimizer technology provides high accuracy control of the faces and points of the modeled object. The number of selected objects can be reduced to 75% without reducing the detail.
Tools for smoothing polygonal meshes and working with sub-surfaces allow you to carefully work out small details and optimize networks for interactive manipulation and rendering.
Integration of workflows - import of data from different sources and streamlined data transfer between Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk 3ds Max Design between files, applications, users and workplaces:
Autodesk® FBX® technology allows you to exchange data with leading 3D applications, including Autodesk® Maya®, a program for 3D animation, modeling, visual effects, rendering and compositing; Autodesk® Mudbox ™ - a program for digital 3D sculpture and drawing textures, and Autodesk® Revit® Architecture - a program for designing buildings.
Non-destructive file binding procedures allow you to work effectively with changes in the original design data created in Autodesk applications that support FBX export.
Importing solid data from 3D Autodesk® Inventor® CAD software directly into Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk 3ds Max Design.
The ability to combine data in more than 30 2D and 3D formats, including 3ds, AI, DEM, XML, DDF, DWG, DXF, FBX, DAE, IGES, IPT, IAM, OBJ, STL, VRML, FLT, SAT and SKP.
Collaboration - Multiple users can work together on complex scenes by sharing dаta:
You can increase the speed of working with scenes and reduce memory consumption by temporarily unloading containers from the viewport, preserving their relationship to the scene and loading them back as needed.
You can move, delete, copy and save container nodes.
You can use containers to override object properties when organizing a scene, without affecting the organization of layers (similar to working with nested layers).
The ability to link containers created by different users into one scene, as well as changing the containers of other users, makes working together more flexible and prevent unauthorized changes.
Shadowing and working with textures - a wide range of coloring, overlaying and configuring layers of textures, as well as simple tracking of objects in the scene:
Possibilities of creative work with textures, including mosaic placement, mirror reflection, decals, blurring, spline application, stretching of UV textures, elimination of distortions, fixing of UV textures, export of UV-patterns, etc.
The Slate material editor allows you to model the shading of any complexity level using extensive libraries of textures, images, material samples and procedural textures.
The function of rendering into textures allows to "bake" the parameters of materials and illumination of each object in new maps of textures.
Animation - advanced tools will help you create intelligent, believable characters and perform high-quality animation:
Character animation tools (Character Animation Toolkit, CAT), two-legged creatures and the crowd allow you to effectively perform procedural animation and snap.
Skin and CAT Muscle modifiers allow precise and smooth control of skeletal deformation when moving bones.
You can equip complex mechanisms and characters with non-standard skeletons, using 3ds Max bones, reverse kinematics problem (IK) modules, and customized snap tools.
The combination of one- or two-way connections between controllers allows you to create simplified animation interfaces.
CAT, Biped and 3ds Max objects can be animated using layers, which allows you to work with very tight data on motion capture without violating key frames.
Modeling dynamics and effects - proven effective tools will help create dynamics and effects:
The built-in modeling module allows you to convert almost any 3D objects into clothes, as well as create garments from scratch. Then you can make changes and animate them.
You can impose fur and hair effects, as well as other effects based on strands (such as grass), and control their stylization and animation w