《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course

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《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片1

16长DVD (M4V格式)
1 本电子书 (PDF格式)
1张CD (MP3格式)
总容量13.70 GB
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2

这套视频主要包括 DCT MP/COMMAND + DCT A102 + DCT COMP Volumes) DCT MP/COMMAND: 共20张DVD,内容涵盖从剧本编写到后期制作。
DCT A102: 中级音频指导,集中讲解有关麦克风和混音器的运用。
DCT COMP: 共4张 DVD。数字键控指导,主要讲授如何使场景合成更加逼真。
所有DVD的特点: 动作菜单和即时访问章节按钮。这将是你涉及到的最具革命性的教程。30多个小时的影视制作详解,实例剖析,操作展示,技巧传授将在20张DVD中一一呈现。本教程由好莱坞大神级人员夜以继日倾力制作!剧本编写,格式编辑,影片编辑,镜头操作,照明,曝光,音频,导演等内容的学习,尽在数字电影。
DCT BP (基础入门): 10点照明,每种光源的术语和动作,以及如何在质量,数量,方位和颜色上平衡它们。
合成的基本理念: 第三法则,大众荧幕,三角的优势,色彩和谐,平面分离以及这些效果对观众心理的影响。另外还将涉及:镜头,视野深度,拍摄和运动轴,化妆以及摄像机稳定器等内容。
DCT MP (电影制作): 电影剧本创作,影视导演,表演,添加前景细节,如何发挥移动式摄影车的作用,如何巧妙地设置遮挡物达到与演员的视线相适应,怎么组合镜头拍摄出使观众看着舒服(不舒服)的画面,以及如何使用最少的设备达到最优的照明效果。
DCT LS (照明设置):这里的10视频主要涉及如何制作光效。如火光,圣诞小电灯的光,未经调整的日光灯的灯光,手电筒的光,烛光,光束武器。以及一个几个演员围着牌桌打牌的场景的制作流程。看完这整部视频的最后几集,你将会感觉到前所未有的充实。当然,你再也不会用现在的眼光去看电影了,因为你已经知道,电影中那再自然不过的日落时的昏黄的光辉,竟然是用钨丝灯和几块金色的反射镜做出来的,这也就是为什么导演总让演员按照一定的轴线来走位了。

《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2
《电影人训练班大师教程》Digital Cinema Filmmaker Training Course-图片2


(This Item is the DCT MP/COMMAND + DCT A102 + DCT COMP Volumes) DCT MP/COMMAND: 20 DVDs That teach Film** from Writing to Post.
DCT A102: Intermediate Audio Guide is a special focus on Microphones and Mixers.
DCT COMP: 4 DVD Digital Keying Guide teaches how to create believable Compositing images.
All DVDs feature: Motion Menus and Instant Access Chapter buttons. The most revolutionary training course you will ever own. Over 30 hours of film** savvy, wisdom, examples, demonstrations, tips and tricks, presented on 20 DVDs by people who work in Hollywood day in, day out. Learn Scriptwriting, Formatting, Editing, Camera Operation, Lighting, Exposure, Audio, and Directing, all focused on Digital Movies.
DCT BP (Basic Production): 10 Point lighting, the jargon and motive behind each light source, as well as balancing them together with Quality, Quantity, Direction, and Color.
Composition concepts: Law of Thirds, Screen Mass, Triangular Dominance, Color Harmony, and Planar Separation, as well as the psychological impact of each. Also, Lenses, Depth of Field, Shots, Axes of Motion, Makeup, and Steadicam. DCT MP (Movie Production): Screenwriting, Directing, Acting. Add foreground detail and make a dolly move really count, block your actors to match their eyelines, compose your shots to set the audience at ease (or not), and light the set with a minimum of fixtures.
DCT LS (Lighting Set): 10 complete sections devoted to Pro lighting. Matching your lighting to fire light, Christmas lights, uncorrected fluorescents, flashlights, candles, lighting chrome weapons, and groups of actors at a card table scene. When you finish the last DVD of this series, your mind will be overloaded. You will never watch movies the same way again, knowing that the Natural Sunset light inside an apartment is actually tungsten light off a gold reflector, and that there is a reason why directors move the actors in specific axes





