LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程

学习教程LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程已关闭评论1,796
LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程91 / 作者:抱着猫的老鼠 / 帖子ID:16740446,4389974
本教程是关于LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程,时长:34分,大小:120 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Lightroom Classic CC, 作者:D.A. Wagner,共21个章节,语言:英语。人人素材发布。

LightRoom CC的目标用户也已不再是专业的摄影师,而是面向所有喜好拍照、需要拍照的人群。它的界面呈现方式更加直观、简洁,在设计时秉持的是一种删繁就简的原则,而不是像LightRoom Classic CC那样尽可能多地在屏幕上呈现更多元素。相比LightRoom Classic CC,新款LightRoom CC在文件导入时也做了一些改变,现在用户可以选择哪些照片需要导入以及是否将这些照片加入到相册中。那么,用户该如何在新款LightRoom CC和LightRoom Classic CC之间做出选择呢?Adobe的建议是如果你是一位以云端为中心的用户,新款LightRoom CC会是不二之选;反之,如果更加依赖桌面系统并且对功能有更高需求的话,LightRoom Classic CC则更加合适。好在无论选择哪个,新一代LightRoom都已经在性能上做出了很大提升,并且Adobe也承诺将会继续对LightRoom Classic CC进行升级。


Adobe is releasing an all new photo management application into the market place, while at the same time releasing an updated version of Lightroom. The new application will be called Lightroom CC and the updated application will be called Lightroom Classic CC. In this course, Lightroom Classic CC Updates, you’ll learn what to expect from the new version of Lightroom and be provided an overview of the key updates for the classic version. First, you’ll discover the latest performance enhancements and look through some of the under the hood improvements in Lightroom Classic CC. Next, you’ll explore the new image editing tool through demonstrations. Finally, you’ll cover the differences and key features in the latest version. By the end of this course, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to confidently navigate and utilize the newest features and user interface of Lightroom Classic CC. Software required: Lightroom Classic CC.

LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程
LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程
LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程
LightRoom Classic CC新功能探索训练频教程
