Fusion 360是美国autodesk公司推出的一款三维可视化建模软件。对CAD设计爱好者来说,它是一款免费软件。该软件是autodesk在工业设计和机械设计领域很多相关技术的试验田,很多成熟的技术都被运用到其他autodesk的商业软件中了。该软件中比较流行的技术包括直接建模技术,T样条建模技术,基于联结的装配技术,自顶向下的参数化建模技术,云端数据管理等。
更多相关内容请关注:Fusion 360视频教程专区,中文字幕视频教程专区
So, you have experience with FDM printing, but have hit a wall of slow processing using this method. Selective laser sintering (SLS) is one of the fastest throughput methods of additive manufacturing today. In this course, 3D Printing: Design for Selective Laser Sintering, you’ll learn how to properly prepare a model utilizing SLS printing. First, you’ll explore the process of SLS along with the multiple design rules that must be kept in mind. Next, you’ll put your knowledge to use by learning how to modify a fun phone mount for a bike. Then, you’ll discover a workflow for manually merging your multiple versions of the phone mount model to re-implement design changes made during the SLS prototyping process. Finally, you’ll cover multiple CAD-independent concepts, such as how to leverage user parameters, how to complete the modifications using both a parametric workflow, and a direct editing workflow. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully modify a model for laser sintering. Software required: Fusion 360.
