全球 VFX 工作室pixomondo他们最近在全球10个设施的渲染农场工具的选择题的标准化期限. 费利克斯fissel, 它的头部在pixomondo洛杉矶分校, 说:, “我们是名副其实的国际公司,24 / 7的生产周期, 和期限5的远程呈现功能使得我们可以控制和管理在我们的整个运作我们的渲染农场. 这意味着如果我们在上海的工厂有一个庞大的项目呈现, 这项工作可以被解析到另一个地点之一,我们是不是忙. 这导致了令人难以置信的功能节省时间."
Deadline is a hassle-free administration and compute management toolkit for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX based render farms, and supports over 80 different content creation applications out of the box.
It offers a world of flexibility and a wide-range of management options for render farms and compute clusters of all sizes, and allows users the freedom to easily access any combination of on-premise or cloud-based resources for their rendering and processing needs.
Deadline’s unique architecture removes the need for a centralized manager application by using a highly-scalable database and basic file sharing to manage the farm. As long as your Database and File Server are running, Deadline is running.
This is the sixth revision release for Deadline It fixes a few bugs that have been reported during the 10.0 release cycle and adds some minor improvements, including support for KeyShot 7.