《Evermotion大型场景制作的秘密》Evermotion The Secret Training DVD

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《Evermotion大型场景制作的秘密》Evermotion The Secret Training DVD-图片1



《Evermotion大型场景制作的秘密》Evermotion The Secret Training DVD-图片2
《Evermotion大型场景制作的秘密》Evermotion The Secret Training DVD-图片2
《Evermotion大型场景制作的秘密》Evermotion The Secret Training DVD-图片2
《Evermotion大型场景制作的秘密》Evermotion The Secret Training DVD-图片2
《Evermotion大型场景制作的秘密》Evermotion The Secret Training DVD-图片2

Evermotion - The Secret Training DVD
Evermotion - The Secret FX Training DVD
Evermotion - The Archviz Trainning DVD

This Training DVD comes with step by step creation process of 3 different 3D scenes. It is in a form of 150 pages flash book with hundreds of pics and over 80 videos. Modeling tips, texturing process, uvw mapping, photoshop post production, lighting, and materials setup - all is there.
This dvd also includes a bonus scene of destroyed air village.
Download the DEMO and see for yourself (demo version includes only first 15 pages and tip links are disabled).
Minimum system specification is:
dual core with 4gb of ram and 64 bit system.
Recommended system specification is: quad core with 8gb of ram and 64 bit system.
Total collection size: 4.74 GB in 49 files

object prepared for V-Ray renderer and 3ds max 9 or higher (with textures and shaders)
9 or higher
