Abvent Artlantis Studio建筑场景专业渲染软件V6.5.2.14版

软件插件Abvent Artlantis Studio建筑场景专业渲染软件V6.5.2.14版已关闭评论1,630

Abvent Artlantis Studio建筑场景专业渲染软件V6.5.2.14版-图片1

本软件是由artlantis机构出品的Abvent Artlantis Studio建筑场景专业渲染软件V6.5.2.14版,大小:540 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Abvent Artlantis 是法国 Abvent 公司重量级渲染引擎,也是 SketchUp 的一个天然渲染伴侣,它是用于建筑室内和室外场景的专业渲染软件,其超凡的渲染速度与质量,无比友好和简洁的用户界面令人耳目一新,被誉为建筑绘图场景、 建筑效果图画和多媒体制作领域的一场革命,其渲染速度极快,Artlantis 与 SketchUp、3DMAX、ArchiCAD 等建筑建模软件可以无缝链接,渲染后所有的绘图与动画影像呈现让人印象深刻。

Abvent Artlantis 主要面向专业的建筑设计和大部分 3D CAD 用户,以直观的界面和高质量的动画及静帧渲染广受好评。Artlantis中许多高级的专有功能为任意的三维空间工程提供真实的基于硬件和灯光现实仿真技 术。对于许多主流的建筑 CAD 软件,如 ArchiCAD、 VectorWorks、SketchUp、AutoCAD、Arc+等,Artlanits 可以很好的支持输入通用的 CAD文件格式:DXF、DWG、3DS 等。

理念的诞生造就了Artlantis 渲染软件的成功, 拥有80多个国家超过65000之多的用户群。 虽然在国内,还没有更多的朋友接触它、使用它。但是 Artlantis 的高科技创新在任何的 3D 建模软件中是不可否认的同伴,其操作理念、超凡的速度及相当好的质量证明它是一个难得的渲染软件。


Abvent Artlantis Studio建筑场景专业渲染软件V6.5.2.14版-图片2

The new, physically correct Artlantis 6 rendering engine, with its legendary simplicity, allows you to create visualizations of an incomparable beauty and quality. To create stunning images, Artlantis 6 now includes its own built-in physical engine, emphasizing physical rendering quality, precision, material accuracy, and energy consumption.
White Balance
White Balance allows you to adjust the dominant color of a scene to the ambient lighting. Simply set this new parameter to automatic color mode or select a reference color, which will be recognized as white in the 3D scene.
Ambient occlusion
This new option in Artlantis allows users to display a global ambient occlusion to create virtual shadows in small areas where natural light doesn’t go. It brings more depth and relief to both interior and exterior scenes.
White model
During calculation, white model rendering changes all surfaces to white except for those that are transparent. Lights maintain their color for sophisticated environments.
Choose among many pre-set modes (indoor, outdoor, low light) and different definitions (speed, medium, quality), to quickly set the best results!
Artlantis offers two illumination methods: Automatic Light Adjustment and ISO/Shutter. By choosing the Automatic Light Adjustment setting, the lights and neon power used in the scene are automatically adjusted to the sky and sun illumination
IES Lights
By default, Artlantis offers 8 IES pre-set profiles. Artlantis 6 now allows you to import downloaded IES profiles from manufacturers’ websites. These files are used to simulate realistic illumination of your projects. For even greater flexibility, Artlantis 6 allows you to easily edit the brightness, color, direction and opening angle.
Artlantis now fully compatible with HDRI files, for the background and for the global illumination. The “enhanced sky” function in the engine settings increases the photorealism of the images.
Neon shader
In addition, neon lights have been completely updated for this version with considerable gains in terms of quality and calculation speed.
Site insertion
When using the site insertion feature, Artlantis 6 offers a new and simple projection process with more accurate calculations. After aligning the XYZ axis in the 2D view and in the preview window, the model is easily positioned on the background image. A revolutionary integrated tool allows you to add transparency to a foreground image directly in Artlantis to enhance the quality of your projects.
Integrated Alpha Mask Editor
This revolutionary tool allows you to add transparency to a foreground image directly in Artlantis to enhance the quality of your projects.
Laser projection
With a simple click on the reference plane in the preview window, you set the position and orientation of the projection of the laser. A red line projected 360 in the model allows you to automatically position the objects or textures.
Catalog & Media
Accessing the Artlantis Media Store is now done with a single click. To customize your catalog, Artlantis 6 lets you freely create your own folders at level 2. New selection features allow you to view recently used media, shaders and objects already in the project or those added to the selection. Thanks to the “drop-drop” tool, you can insert random media from the selection into the project with every click of the mouse.

