Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS

学习教程Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS已关闭评论1,807

Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS-图片1

本视频教程是由3dmotive机构出品的Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程,时长:1小时11分,大小:1.5 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Megascans Studio,共8个章节,作者:Morrisey Alexander,语言:英语。


Megascans取得了飞跃式发展”Quixel CEO Teddy Bergsman说道:“它的诞生使先进的扫描数据工作变得轻松有趣,在解决重要的制作环节上更连贯,保证了质量和速度。我们与行业内专业的制作公司例如:ILM,DICE,The Mill和MPC进行深度合作。




In Intro to MegaScans Studio we cover using the resource Megascans to find and use basic texture scans to create interesting dynamic materials. Students will be able to more intelligently evaluate textures based on color, visual characteristics of textures, and how to blend textures based on color while understanding how this affects the visual color balance. Students will learn how to use megascans studio to take plain textures and tell a story through texture blending by understanding how materials in the real world behave and how to use color and reflectviity to convey this story. Through the use of visual storytelling in textures we learn how to use megascans studio to create stunning textures. This course will teach how to use Marmoset Toolbag 2 as a way to present quality screenshots of art. While learning Toolbag 2 the course covers the qualities that make a render portfolio ready. The course covers how to set final presentation of an asset from how to use Marmoset Toolbag to lighting qualities to improve a final image to Learning how to imulate camera effects and post effects to improve final renders.

Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS-图片2Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS-图片2Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS-图片2Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS-图片2Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS-图片2Megascans材质贴图基础核心训练视频教程 3DMOTIVE INTRO TO MEGASCANS-图片2

