《草地生成插件》Happy Digital Autograss For 3DSMax 2012 V1.03

最新资源《草地生成插件》Happy Digital Autograss For 3DSMax 2012 V1.03已关闭评论1,495

Autograss是一个结合VRay渲染器让你一键生成逼真草地的3dsmax插件,通过对多核处理 器和内存的优化,Autograss能以最高效经济的方式生成3D形式的草地场景。同事插件还内置了11中草地预设,使用时只需要选择适合自己的预设就能 制作出满意的草地效果。

AutoGrass for V-Ray in the trailer for Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. Image courtesy of CafeFX.
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Rendering by Daniel BuckAdvanced multi-threaded memory management
Autograss uses Happy Digital’s advanced memory management system. That means Autograss uses only a fixed amount of RAM no matter how much grass is in the scene, whether it’s a one-acre lawn or an entire golf course. No crashes, no nonsense. And it’s fully multi-threaded, so all your cores are driven to their full potential.

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Rendering by Graham FyffeRealistic grass presets
Autograss includes eleven preset grass types covering the most commonly used grasses. You don’t need to model any grass. The scientists at Happy Digital studied radiometrically calibrated photographs to ensure the grass presets have true-to-life shape and color when used with V-Ray’s physical cameras and sun / sky system, from sunrise to sunset. In addition to these presets, Autograss provides you with mapping and variation to produce special effects like worn-out trails and lawnmower paths.

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Rendering by Daniel BuckEasy. Fast. Realistic.

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Finally you can have it all.
Rendering by Stanislav SlavovFeature Summary:

  • Eleven grass type presets
  • Twelve grass material presets
  • Four earth material presets
  • Adjustable variation
  • Unlimited grass in your scenes
  • Density mapping
  • Length mapping
  • Cutoff mapping
  • Thatch mapping
  • Direction mapping

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Rendering by Daniel BuckAutograss works in your scene
Autograss works in any scene, from a cozy back yard to an entire eighteen-hole golf course. There’s no need to divide your scenes into passes or layers. Yes, you can render the whole thing in one go, and it works with all of V-Ray’s great features, like shadows, reflections, depth of field, and global illumination.Autograss fits in your RAM

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You tell Autograss how much RAM to use, and it firmly sticks to that amount even in enormous scenes, thanks to Happy Digital’s proprietary memory management system. The default setting is 256 megabytes. Of course if you have RAM to spare, you can tell Autograss to use more and get a render speed boost. And don’t worry about setting it too high: Autograss automatically detects when the system is running low on memory and adjusts its own usage to avoid paging to disk.

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Rendered in 616 seconds on a 2.8GHz 8-core Mac Pro running Windows XP 64 using high-quality V-Ray settings (min 2, max 24 image sampler subdivs, 0.005 noise threshold, motion blur enabled). The lawn is 30 meters wide and 30 meters long with about 30 million grass blades.
Autograss scales to multiple CPU cores.
Autograss maxes out every available CPU core when rendering. For typical scenes like the house with lawn shown here, eight CPU cores render up to 7 times faster than a single CPU core. The speed-up varies for extremely large scenes, but is still several times faster than a single CPU core. The engineers at Happy Digital put a lot of effort into this feature so that your prized render farm CPUs don’t go to waste.System Requirements
Autograss requires Autodesk® 3ds Max™ 9, 2008, 2009 or 2010, and V-Ray Advanced rendering engine version 1.5 SP3 or greater. 3ds Max is the leading 3D animation software from Autodesk®. V-Ray is a widely used rendering engine with superior photorealism, from Chaos Group. Autograss supports Windows® XP, Windows® XP Professional x64, and Windows Vista™.
Each Autograss WorkStation license is locked to a single machine. The Autograss License Server is locked to a server on your own network, and provides floating licenses to the render nodes on your network. No internet connection is required after you get your keys.
Products are delivered by electronic download. Sample scene files and tutorials are included in Autograss products.Autograss is your one-click grass solution for V-Ray
Select your object, click Autograss, and you’re done. You’ve got  photorealistic grass that renders in V-Ray for 3ds Max.
Advanced multi-threaded memory management
Autograss uses Happy Digital’s advanced memory management system. That  means Autograss uses only a fixed amount of RAM no matter how much grass  is in the scene, whether it’s a one-acre lawn or an entire golf course.  No crashes, no nonsense. And it’s fully multi-threaded, so all your  cores are driven to their full potential.
Realistic grass presets
Autograss includes eleven preset grass types covering the most commonly  used grasses. You don’t need to model any grass. The scientists at Happy  Digital studied radiometrically calibrated photographs to ensure the  grass presets have true-to-life shape and color when used with V-Ray’s  physical cameras and sun / sky system, from sunrise to sunset. In  addition to these presets, Autograss provides you with mapping and  variation to produce special effects like worn-out trails and lawnmower  paths.

