影视级专业镜头摄像训练视频教程 Fxphd dop221 killer production value for interviews promos & production

学习教程影视级专业镜头摄像训练视频教程 Fxphd dop221 killer production value for interviews promos & production已关闭评论1,591

影视级专业镜头摄像训练视频教程 Fxphd dop221 killer production value for interviews promos & production

本视频教程是由FXPHD机构出品的影视级专业镜头摄像训练视频教程,时长:6小时,大小:9.3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,共10个章节,作者:Ben Allan ACS,语言:英语。



Fxphd dop221 killer production value for interviews promos & production
The aim of this course is to show how to produce great looking shots with impressive production value. Rather than focus on scripted drama we are focused on interviews, promos and production pieces. The reality is that most non-feature film DOPs will spend a huge amount of their time lighting and filming interviews and other pieces of video communication.
Non-drama pieces can be for a documentary, a video podcast, news story or a promo for your company. In all these cases the quality of the cinematography is a quality clue to the value of the content. At fxphd and fxguide we have a huge amount of experience doing interviews around the world, we will share not only filming techniques but interview tricks. In this course, DOP Ben Allan ACS and our own Mike Seymour are combining their skills to not only show you how to light and direct such a piece but also how to prepare and how to pull off getting great material when working with normal people. You will learn the techniques of lighting in a variety of set ups, a variety of camera styles and techniques, the types of lights and many tricks of real world interviews - and also audio, the latest camera gear, apps, tips and techniques gained from literally hundreds of hours of doing interviews around the world. If you are planning to sit down an interview the head of a major studio or to film your own team for a YouTube promo - the tips and techniques in this course will be invaluable.
Ben Allan has taught DOP courses at fxphd before very successfully and has a great knack at innovative problem solving, while himself being very fluent in digital tools and editing. We will aim in each section of the course to detail our pick of the best of class for microphones, lights, lenses and cameras.
A great part of this course and something new is that we will be interviewing key directors and other DOPs as part of the course. This means you get not only to see the interview and learn from them - but how Ben lit that interview and how he dealt with the specifics of lighting each style of interview. In other words you get both the interview and the making of the interview - including camera settings, f stops and any tricks used to solve awkward real world locations.

