Blender棋子棋盘精细建模制作视频教程 Udemy Blender 3D Modeling Learn How To Model Chess Pieces

学习教程Blender棋子棋盘精细建模制作视频教程 Udemy Blender 3D Modeling Learn How To Model Chess Pieces已关闭评论2,441

Blender棋子棋盘精细建模制作视频教程 Udemy Blender 3D Modeling Learn How To Model Chess Pieces

本视频教程是由Udemy机构出品的Blender棋子棋盘精细建模制作视频教程,时长:2小时30分,大小:900 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Blender,作者:Kory Pearman, Andrio Rodrigo Corrêa da Silva,共18个章节,语言:英语。


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Udemy Blender 3D Modeling Learn How To Model Chess Pieces
Discover how to create 3D chess pieces inside of blender 3D
In this course you will be able to learn some modeling techniques in Blender. At the end of the classes you will be able to model all the chess pieces and apply materials and lighting necessary for the final result to be as realistic as possible. Do not worry if you are still new to the area, this course was properly produced so that you can keep up with all classes in detail. During this course you will learn about modeling, texturing and a little bit about lighting, you wiil be able to create all the chess game pieces and the board (off course). All the images will be available for the student to a better understanding. You can quickly complete the course in one day. But for better learning i recommend that you, at least, try to create twice each piece.
