PS照片修饰与图片调整实例训练视频教程 SkillShare Photoshop Basic 2 Masking Clipping and Refining

学习教程PS照片修饰与图片调整实例训练视频教程 SkillShare Photoshop Basic 2 Masking Clipping and Refining已关闭评论1,929

PS照片修饰与图片调整实例训练视频教程 SkillShare Photoshop Basic 2 Masking Clipping and Refining

本视频教程是由SkillShare机构出品的PS照片修饰与图片调整实例训练视频教程,时长:58分,大小:980 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:John Ross,共10个章节,语言:英语。



SkillShare Photoshop Basic 2 Masking Clipping and Refining
As an expansion of the concepts learned in the Basic I, this class will focus on when to use tighter masks, and when to use looser ones. Masking is, in our opinion, the most important skill to learn in Photoshop, so we’ll be spending a great deal of time perfecting your skills through actual photo examples that will be used throughout the whole course.
