Maxwell Render光谱渲染器formz插件V3.2.0.4版 Nextlimit maxwell render for form…

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Maxwell Render光谱渲染器formz插件V3.2.0.4版 Nextlimit maxwell render for form…

本插件是由maxwellrender机构出品的Maxwell Render光谱渲染器formz插件V3.2.0.4版,大小:470 MB,支持formz 7 - 8版软件,支持Win与系统,语言:英语。


Maxwell Render是一个进行光传输的渲染器,物理上准确的模型导出为基础的渲染引擎如发射体器,材质和摄像机等所有元素,。Maxwell Render 渲染是没有偏向的,在一个场景的每个像素所以的功能用于计算照明,Maxwell Render?完全可以捕获场景中的所有元素之间的所有光线的相互作用,和所有的照明计算采用的光谱信息和高动态范围。

基于光波理论的渲染器,包括了几乎所有主流3d软件的接口插件,包括 犀牛rhino、maya、cinima4D (c4d)、sketchup、solidworks x64、formz、archicad、lightwave、xsi、3ds max。


Nextlimit maxwell render for form•z 7 and 8 v3.2.0.4
Form•Z 8 Free now supported
Sample project included for form•Z 8 (/Sample Scenes/Guggenheim_for_formZ)
Improved responsiveness and faster refresh rates in plugin Fire
Compatibility with Maxwell
Latitude-Longitude Stereo and Fish Stereo lens support
Layered Photoshop output
Nested Dielectrics support for autotranslated materials (Maxwell Material > Translate Shaded > Nested Priority)
Reflectance Channel option (object color without GI)
Grass grow toward world-up percentage
Scatter random uniform scaling option
Scatter “grow toward world-up” percentage parameter
Option to eliminate intersecting Scattered instances
When Extra Sampling is enabled, but no Custom Channel or bitmap mask has been selected, a warning is posted to the plugin log
