低成本影视片拍摄与后期制作视频教程 Video Post Production for Low-Budget Films

学习教程低成本影视片拍摄与后期制作视频教程 Video Post Production for Low-Budget Films已关闭评论2,049

低成本影视片拍摄与后期制作视频教程 Video Post Production for Low-Budget Films

本视频教程是由Lynda机构出品的低成本影视片拍摄与后期制作视频教程,时长:1小时5分,大小:1.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Eduardo Angel,共23个章节,语言:英语。

琳达(Lynda) 是全球最知名的在线教育机构,每年可以吸引到4500万独立访客,让它成为教育界的长青网站。这家在线视频教学网站,提供了数以千计的现在最流行的软件技术视频教程。有大约1百万人都愿意支付每月25美元的使用费来访问它,它已经成为一个网上帝国。它的创始人琳达·温曼(LyndaWeinman)认为,她的教程在网民中大受欢迎的程度会鞭策那些认为网络只是让人变笨变懒的人。根据该公司的报告,Lynda 现在每年可以吸引到4500万独立访客,大部份的独立订户会订阅内容1至3年。公司现在雇有200名全职员工,风险投资人还不停地要扔钱过来,但温曼说,她比较喜欢看到公司自然平稳地增长并通过口碑营销打开市场。网站上的教育录像质量很高,课程划分细致,学习的人可以根据自己的目标随时切换内容。


Lynda Video Post Production for Low-Budget Films
Retaining the integrity of the story you filmed while keeping costs low can be a challenge. Deciding which post-production solutions are necessary can also be challenging when so many new options emerge daily. If you’re planning to create an ultra-low-budget film, or if you’ve already filmed one, you want to ensure you allocate funds to the most essential solutions. Emmy-winning director Eduardo Angel knows filmmakers can be overwhelmed by the amount of post-production options. In this course, he takes you behind the scenes, sharing insights to help you maximize your post-production process while minimizing the impact to your budget. Eduardo focuses on the essential post-production steps and how to implement technical and creative solutions that help accomplish your vision. He shows you an entire post-production process, including planning, editing your film, working with a composer, adding audio, working with color, and distributing your project.

