Nik插件集超酷使用技巧视频教程 KelbyOne Rockin The Free Nik Collection of Plug-ins

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Nik插件集超酷使用技巧视频教程 KelbyOne Rockin The Free Nik Collection of Plug-ins

本教程是由KelbyOne机构出品的Nik插件集超酷使用技巧视频教程,时长:1小时58分,大小:1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Nik Collection,Photoshop,作者:Scott Kelby,共13章节,语言:英语。

Nik Collection这套PS滤镜是Google(谷歌)收购Nik Software后重新推出的一套专注于图像后期处理、调色的PS滤镜套装,包括降噪、选择性编辑、高动态成像、图像美化、黑白照片和锐化等六个PS滤镜插件的合集,这套价值149美金的PS滤镜插件已经成为摄影师们最佳助手之一。它集成了很多PS滤镜,很强悍!支持Photoshop CS4~CC版本32和64以及LR插件支持。感谢多媒体软件专营店的发现分享,谢谢!^_^

Nik Collection全套有 7 款强大的图像处理插件,分别为 Color Efex Pro  (图像调色滤镜)、HDR Efex Pro  (HDR成像滤镜)、Silver Efex Pro (黑白胶片滤镜)、Viveza (选择性调节滤镜)、Sharpener Pro  (锐化滤镜)、Dfine (降噪滤镜)、Analog Efex Pro(胶片特效滤镜),是摄影师和设计爱好者的必备图像后期处理滤镜。


KelbyOne Rockin The Free Nik Collection of Plug-ins
Join Scott Kelby as he shows you all of his tips and secrets for using the FREE Nik Collection from Google! This plug-in suite has long been many photographers’ secret weapon, and now it’s free to everyone!
In this brand new class, Scott will walk you through each of the eight plug-ins in the suite and show you how to best utilize them to your advantage. From making killer black and white images with Silver Efex Pro, to adding a special look to your images with Color Efex Pro, using Viveza to control specific colors, creating amazing HDR images with HDR Efex Pro, refining the details with Dfine and Sharpener Pro, or making your digital images look like film with Analog Efex Pro, Scott has you covered!
