《After Effects系列教程第6辑:动画类型和音频添加视频教程》

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《After Effects系列教程第6辑:动画类型和音频添加视频教程》


教程名称:After Effects Apprentice 06: Type and Music

Lynda.com 出品的时长3小时14分钟的 After Effects系列学习第6部:动画类型和音频添加 视频教程。Trish Meyer演示了如何专业布排标题并创建个性动画,以及应用它并修改After Effects附带的数百个文字动画预置。此外,还演示了如何添加音频,比如测点“生命值“来校正关键帧和视频动作。 —— 摘自(xuehui@TLF)


One of the cornerstones of motion graphics is creating and animating type. In this course, Trish Meyer shows how to typeset titles professionally and create custom animations, as well as apply and modify the hundreds of text animation presets that After Effects ships with. Additionally, Chris Meyer shows how to add audio to projects, including spotting "hit points" to align keyframes and video action.

The After Effects Apprentice video lessons were created by Trish and Chris Meyer and are designed to be used on their own or as a companion to their acclaimed book, After Effects Apprentice. We are honored to host these tutorials in the lynda.com Online Training Library®.
Topics include:

* The core text animation recipes
* Animating text along a path
* Working with text animation presets
* Timing animation to audio
* Per-character 3D type
* Rendering with an alpha channel
* ** Photoshop type editable in After Effects
* Professional typesetting tips


Overview 00:01:23
1. Creating Type
Setting up 00:02:11
Entering, editing, and styling type 00:05:40
Strokes 00:02:57
Paragraph text 00:03:28
2. Animating Type
Setting a title 00:02:22
Creating a text animator 00:06:45
Selecting by character vs. percent 00:02:51
Animating position 00:01:55
Animating more properties 00:03:22
Text transitions 00:02:39
Randomizing order 00:02:25
3. Cascading Type
The Cascade recipe 00:02:07
Exploring offset plus selection shapes 00:04:07
Ramp selection shapes 00:04:17
Character anchor points 00:04:32
Further refinements 00:07:03
4. Animating by Words
Selections based on words 00:04:08
Anchor point grouping 00:04:35
5. Flowing Text
Vertical blur treatment 00:03:49
Animated tracking 00:05:37
Text on a path 00:05:53
6. Per-Character 3D
Per-character 3D overview 00:05:36
Enabling per-character 3D 00:03:55
Per-character 3D rotation 00:04:59
7. The Wiggly Selector (and More)
Separating fields 00:03:39
Wiggly options 00:04:19
Animating wiggles 00:03:09
Rendering with alpha channels 00:06:54
8. Working With Audio
Adding audio 00:03:59
Audio levels 00:04:18
Spotting hit points 00:05:24
Timing to audio 00:05:16
9. Using Text Presets
Applying text presets 00:05:42
Browsing presets in Bridge 00:04:25
Editing presets 00:06:41
Saving presets 00:05:46
10. Sidebars
Photoshop text 00:04:49
Keyframing source text 00:04:13
The Buzz Words preset 00:06:59
11. Typesetting Tips
Faux styling options 00:07:33
Tracking and kerning 00:04:48
Smart quotes 00:03:59
Hyphens and dashes 00:03:49
