PS CC图层技术核心训练视频教程 Pluralsight Mastering Layers in Photoshop CC

学习教程PS CC图层技术核心训练视频教程 Pluralsight Mastering Layers in Photoshop CC已关闭评论1,870

PS CC图层技术核心训练视频教程 Pluralsight Mastering Layers in Photoshop CC

本视频教程是由Pluralsight机构出品的PS CC图层技术核心训练视频教程,时长:1小35分,大小:880 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop CC 2015,作者:Gary Simon,共14个章节,语言:英语。


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Pluralsight Mastering Layers in Photoshop CC
Understanding how to use layers in Photoshop can make or break your design. This course will teach you basic to advanced aspects of layers, from layer creation and modification, to smart object layers, and in the end you’ll create your own poster.
Photoshop layers allow you to create complex, detailed, and beautiful designs. Whether you would like a basic understanding of Photoshop layers, or a comprehensive understanding, this course, Mastering Layers in Photoshop CC, is perfect for you. First, you’ll discover how to create and modify layers at the most basic level, including blend modes and different styles. Next, you’ll move onto more advanced topics such as masks, adjustment layers, and smart object layers. Finally, you’ll create a poster while utilizing much of what you learned about layers. By the end of this course, you’ll have a gorgeous poster design as well as a deep knowledge of layers in Photoshop that will help you create your own great designs in the future
