PS黑白摄影艺术后期处理视频教程 Udemy Dramatic Black and White Photography in the Digital Age

学习教程PS黑白摄影艺术后期处理视频教程 Udemy Dramatic Black and White Photography in the Digital Age已关闭评论2,024

PS黑白摄影艺术后期处理视频教程 Udemy Dramatic Black and White Photography in the Digital Age

本教程是由Udemy机构出品的PS黑白摄影艺术后期处理视频教程,时长:3小时30分,大小:2.1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Kasia Zmokla,共28章节,语言:英语。


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Udemy Dramatic Black and White Photography in the Digital Age
Master black and white fine art photography techniques with Photoshop
Dramatic Black and White Photography in the Digital Age – Master black and white fine art photography techniques with Photoshop.
Master powerful Photoshop black & white conversion techniques, create stunning porfolio, amaze your clients with trendy & timeless vintage black and white images! If you want to learn how to create digital black and white imagery that you can sell with great profit on image stocks like Shutterstock, Istock or Alamy – take this course!
This course is packed with high quality supporting materials – they are downloadable and you can use them to speed up the learning process. The “hands-on” tutorial part of the course is based on the provided image base, you don’t have to waste time on searching for suitable images. In complete, explained step by step edits I will reveal secrets of my personal workflow. Just join me in this course, download and immediately start improving your Photoshop skills!
I will teach you all the Photoshop tricks and technics that I have learn during my over 10 years long artistic photography practice. You will learn how to improve your workflow to minimize time spend in digital darkroom and have more fun when shooting photos.
