Nucoda数字媒体色彩分级校色软件V2015.3.020版 DIGITAL VISION NUCODA V2015.3.020 WIN64

最新资源Nucoda数字媒体色彩分级校色软件V2015.3.020版 DIGITAL VISION NUCODA V2015.3.020 WIN64已关闭评论1,139

Nucoda数字媒体色彩分级校色软件V2015.3.020版 DIGITAL VISION NUCODA V2015.3.020 WIN64

本软件是由DigitalVision机构出品的Nucoda数字媒体色彩分级校色软件V2015.3.020版,DIGITAL VISION NUCODA V2015.3.020 WIN64,大小:490 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Nucoda专门提供面向影视制作的高级数字媒体解决方案。Nucoda利用NVIDIA®图形技术,向其客户提供速度最快、特性最完善的解决方案,支持实现交互式后期制作。Nucoda的客户是电影和视频后期制作部门以及希望在节目中插入具备高附加值特效的广播公司,包括Film Master、Film Cutter、Colour Timer和Data Dailies等,Nucoda Colour Timer利用搭载PureVideo技术的NVIDIA显卡,实现精确的色彩和实时渲染,满足其原色矫正解决方案的要求。
Digital Vision公司作为生产降噪产品的专业厂商,其降噪产品广泛应用于数字电影,电视网络,后期制作领域,无论在影视传输过程中还是在磁带、磁盘上进行校正影像,修复工具都能同样高效工作。

Nucoda结合了一个创造性的工具集和紧密集成一个非常狂热的工作流,包括全力支持相互作用。设置最高质量新标准,Nucoda是一个功能齐全的ace分级系统,HDR分级和支持实时EXR文件格式。与一个行业领先的色彩使用的工具集等客户让我发布,Encore,皮克斯Pixar 和迪斯尼,Nucoda创建复杂的电影级外观效果和视觉风格动画,支持2 k / 4 k和立体声。附带Nucoda一系列图像处理工具,被称为DVO经典,如DVO Grain,DVO光圈,DVO Regrain和DVO Brickwall。


Nucoda colour grading and mastering solutions have been used on many of the best known films, commercials, documentaries, music videos and television programs around the globe.
At Digital Vision, we understand that our customers need more than just leading toolsets to create sophisticated look enhancements. More
importantly our solutions need to work with multiple camera and file formats, allow for collaborative workflows and deliver finished content
for different viewing platforms, including stereoscopic 3D. In a nutshell, Nucoda was designed to offer a lot more than just colour grading.
Nucoda combines a creative tool set with a very tight integration to the Avid workflow, including full support for Interplay. Setting new standards in the highest quality, Nucoda is a fully featured ACES grading system, featuring HDR grading and real time EXR file format support.
With an industry leading colour toolset used by clients such as Keep Me Posted, Encore, Pixar and Disney, Nucoda creates complex looks and visual styles for animation, working in 2K/4K and stereo. Included with Nucoda is a range of image processing tools called DVO Classic, consisting of DVO Grain, DVO Aperture, DVO Regrain and DVO Brickwall.
