Blender曲面造型细分建模视频教程 Udemy Blender Unleashed Mastering Subdivision Surface Modeling

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Blender曲面造型细分建模视频教程 Udemy Blender Unleashed Mastering Subdivision Surface Modeling

本视频教程是由Udemy机构出品的Blender曲面造型细分建模视频教程,Udemy Blender Unleashed Mastering Subdivision Surface Modeling,时长:2小时30分,大小:900 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Blender,作者:Brandon Hix,共25个章节,语言:英语。


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Udemy Blender Unleashed Mastering Subdivision Surface Modeling
Master the art of building highly detailed models in Blender using subdivision surface modeling techniques.
Do you want to learn how to create hyper detailed hard surfaced and organic 3d models ready for films, games, or illustrations?
This course shows you how to use subdivision surface modeling techniques to conquer any modeling challenge set before you. Once you have mastered this powerful workflow you will be able to use it as a cornerstone for all of your future 3d modeling projects.
Learn how to harness the power of Blender’s subdivision surface modifier in conjunction with timeless procedural modeling skills to build realistic looking 3d models.
Learn the basics of subdivision surface modeling
Master Blender’s modifier stack
Add procedural modeling techniques to your creative arsenal
Discover secrets for success as I share my experience
Watch as I walk you through the process step by step
Each real world project demonstrated real-time with practical solutions.
The best way to learn is to do! Each project in this course is demonstrated real time as I walk you through my thinking process as I make decisions for how to solve problems and create practical solutions. All of the .blend files are provided for each lecture as I progress through the projects so you can pick up wherever you need to and follow along. Start at the beginning or pick up in the middle and learn how to develop your own skills with the hands on training inside this course.
After following the workflow outlined in this course you’ll be able to take a proof or a concept and develop a plan for how to achieve the results you need using subdivision surface modeling.
