PS人体刺青纹身特效制作视频教程 Udemy Applying of realistic tattoos on the body in Photoshop

学习教程PS人体刺青纹身特效制作视频教程 Udemy Applying of realistic tattoos on the body in Photoshop已关闭评论2,360

PS人体刺青纹身特效制作视频教程 Udemy Applying of realistic tattoos on the body in Photoshop

本教程是由Udemy机构出品的PS人体刺青纹身特效制作视频教程,Udemy Applying of realistic tattoos on the body in Photoshop,时长:38分,大小:500 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Sergey Tovanenkov,共8章节,语言:英语。


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Udemy Applying of realistic tattoos on the body in Photoshop
This course step by step will help you master the art of Applying the realistic tattoos at the body in Photoshop. You will be able to transfer a tattoo sketch, downloaded from the Internet, drawn by you or found in the catalog of tattoos. In this course you will learn how to apply the tattoo, with maximum degree of realism. And these tattoos will look really impressive!
You will learn how to apply tattoos on different parts of the body. You will learn how to transfer sketch in a tattoo. You will learn how to transfer the settings from one tattoo to the other.
The course will enable photographers, retouchers and digital artists to diversify their creativity. The course will be clear to everyone: from a beginner to a professional. Fans of tattooing before actually making a tattoo, can first try it on their photos in Photoshop and choose the most suitable.
What are the requirements?
Adobe Photoshop
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 8 lectures and 38 mins of content!
learn how to create tattoos in Photoshop that look just like the real ones.
learn how to apply tattoos on different parts of the body: on the legs, arms and chest.
learn some new things about Photoshop: how to move a tattoo sketch, downloaded from the Internet, on the body, for example.
learn how to prepare photographed or scanned sketch and how to transfer it in a tattoo.
learn how to transfer the settings from one tattoo to the other. It will significantly speed up the process and save your time.
What is the target audience?
The course will enable photographers, retouchers and digital artists to diversify their creativity.
The course will be clear to everyone: from a beginner to a professional.
Fans of tattooing before actually making a tattoo, can first try it on their photoes in Photoshop and choose the most suitable.
