CryENGINE游戏场景环境制作核心训练视频教程 Uartsy Intro to CryENGINE

学习教程CryENGINE游戏场景环境制作核心训练视频教程 Uartsy Intro to CryENGINE已关闭评论1,193

CryENGINE游戏场景环境制作核心训练视频教程 Uartsy Intro to CryENGINE

本视频教程是由Uartsy机构出品的CryENGINE游戏场景环境制作核心训练视频教程,Uartsy Intro to CryENGINE,时长:5小时,大小:4.8 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,教程使用软件:Cryengine,Zbrush,3dsmax,共25个章节,语言:英语。

Crytek正式发布了CryENGINE 2的升级版CryEngine 3,目前Crysis2《孤岛危机2》采用了该引擎。最新的CryEngine 3引擎为3版。CryEngine 3引擎是世界上最先进的和大量授权的应用引擎,该引擎不单只是授权给游戏工作室开发游戏,还大量授权给了学校,建筑公司,医院和一些视觉公司和个人使用等,个人使用者可以登录专门的网站注册,然后签署并提交保密协议,就可以获得相应的软件授权拷贝。

最新CryEngine 3引擎将会加入更多的图形功能,更强大的物理破坏效果,动画技术以及多个游戏技术的增强功能,例如大范围开放的环境、建筑内部丰富的细节、高级任务表情以及动作、新的改进版SandBOX编辑器、多种不同平台实时所见即所玩的开发、引擎内色彩等级、程序破坏与物理效果等高级先进技术。CryEngine 3引擎在PC平台上也支持DirectX 9、10、11,并且支持多核心技术来获得对称多处理和超线程,同时也支持32位和64位的版本。

作为声名显赫的CryENGINE引擎的第三代,CryENGINE 3继承了前辈在画质方面的突出造诣,而且这次不仅限于PC平台,还可用于PS3和X360等主机平台,这也是Crytek首次进军游戏机领域


Uartsy Intro to CryENGINE
Petar gives you a thorough introduction to environment creation in CryEngine. Petar covers how to create assets in external programs like ZBrush and 3Ds Max and import them into CryEngine for use in your own environment.
The 5 most important lessons:
Understand the fundamental workflow of CryENGINE.
Create highly detailed rocks and undergo the process to make it engine ready.
How to produce custom tileable textures by sculpting detail and preforming touch up passes in Photoshop.
Rapidly create environment pieces for CryEngine and understand how to blend textures.
Understand the foliage creation process to produce trees and grass.
Course Outline
Project 1 : Intro to CryENGINE
Learn the basics of working in CryENGINE and create your first asset: a normal mapped rock.
13 Lectures
Project 2 : Creating a Cavern Tunnel for CryENGINE
Learn to create and use tileable textures while create a simple tunnel scene.
7 Lectures
Project 3 : Creating a Tree for CryENGINE
Learn to create complex geometry using 3DS Max for use in the game engine as alpha cards.
5 Lectures
