PS与World Machine沙漠赛车海报制作视频教程 Pluralsight Environment Concept Design with World Machine and Photoshop

学习教程PS与World Machine沙漠赛车海报制作视频教程 Pluralsight Environment Concept Design with World Machine and Photoshop已关闭评论1,471

PS与World Machine沙漠赛车海报制作视频教程 Pluralsight Environment Concept Design with World Machine and Photoshop

本教程是由Udemy机构出品的PS与World Machine沙漠赛车海报制作视频教程,Pluralsight Environment Concept Design with World Machine and Photoshop,时长:1小时50分,大小:1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Ricardo Guimaraes,共19章节,语言:英语。


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Pluralsight Environment Concept Design with World Machine and Photoshop
In this course, we’ll take a Desert Racing concept and make use of several different techniques to bring our image to completion. We’ll learn not only how to generate the assets in 3D but also, how to integrate them in Photoshop with other elements from different sources, adjusting the lighting, contrast, and atmosphere in our image. By the end of this training, the viewers will have the understanding on how to use several assets and bring them to a unified whole, creating stunning pieces of concept art. Software required: Photoshop CS6, World Machine 2.3.7, GeoGlyph
