Unreal Engine游戏引擎扩展资料2016年1月合辑 Unreal Engine Marketplace Bundle 1 Feb 2016

游戏素材Unreal Engine游戏引擎扩展资料2016年1月合辑 Unreal Engine Marketplace Bundle 1 Feb 2016已关闭评论2,062

Unreal Engine游戏引擎扩展资料2016年1月合辑 Unreal Engine Marketplace Bundle 1 Feb 2016

本资料是关于Unreal Engine游戏引擎扩展资料2016年1月合辑,Unreal Engine Marketplace Bundle 1 Feb 2016,大小:1.1 GB,使用软件:Unreal Engine 4,语言:英语。

Unreal Engine4虚幻游戏引擎是一款商业性的3D游戏开发引擎,是Epic数百位工程师、艺术家以及设计师的心血之作。不过这还只是开始,在C++代码中,你可以看到很多创新之处,比如支持Oculus VR、Linux系统、Valve公司的Steamworks和 Steam Box效果,并且可以使用HTML5在网页浏览器中开发游戏。虚幻引擎4基于DirectX 11,拥有新的材料流水线、蓝图视觉化脚本、直观蓝图调试、内容浏览器、人物动画、Matinee影院级工具集、全新地形和植被、后期处理效果、热重载(Hot Reload)、模拟与沉浸式视角、即时游戏预览、AI人工智能、音频、中间件集成等一系列全新特性。

Unreal Engine虚幻游戏引擎参与制作游戏有:《逃生》、《DMC鬼泣》、《死侍》、《失落的星球3》、《生化奇兵:无限》、《羞辱》、《战争机器:审判》、《杀手已死》、《勿忘我》、《Papa & Yo》、《忍者神龟:脱颖而出》等等。

更多相关内容请关注:Unreal Engine扩展资料专区

Unreal Engine Marketplace Bundle 1 Feb 2016
Mothership Service Rooms
In this package you will find everything you need to build modular sci-fi horror themed levels. Despite it’s focused on “Service Rooms” this pack will suit any dirty and dusty sci-fi design.
Tired of shiny and clean sci-fi interiors? With this package you will move back to times when sci-fi meant dark, moody and full of dirt interiors barely lighted by emergency lighting. From thin vents, trough corridors even to huge hangar segments – everything inspired by retro cinema!
Technical Details
Number of meshes: 69
Number of materials: 20
Range of Tris(Min-Max): 2 – 5000
Average Tris: 1000
Texture Sizes(Min-Max): 512 – 2048
Texture Types: Each texture set contains Albedo, Normal, Roughness(R) and Metallic(G) maps
Intended Platform: Desktop, Console
Ironbelly Studios FPS 3-Pistol Pack
48 Assets:
• Ultra High AAA Quality First Person Arms
• (1) First Person Arms LOD
• (1) First Person Arms Skeletal Rig
• (3) Ultra High AAA Quality Pistols (44 Magnum, Beretta M9, TT-33)
• (9) Pistol LODs
• (15) Pistol PBR Textures @ 4096×4096
• (3) Pistol Skeletal Rigs
• (15) Pistol Animations (Idle, Sprint, Fire, Reload, Aim Down Sights, for all 3 pistols)
Good things come in packs of three and this fully loaded pistol asset pack is no different. Featuring the classic .44 Magnum, the modern Beretta M9, and the iconic WW2 Russian TT-33, the Ironbelly triple pistol pack also includes First Person Arms that are fully rigged and animated. These game ready assets are easy to drop into any FPS and are ideal for customization.
As a bonus, this pack comes with a set of first person arms for all weapons, fully rigged, animated and compatible with Kubold’s Animset Pro
Technical Details
• (1) Ultra High AAA Quality First Person Arms (12,120 Tris / 6,094 Verts)
• (1) First Person Arms LOD (50% – 6,060 Tris / 3,063 Verts)
• (1) First Person Arms Skeletal Rig (70 bones)
• (3) AAA Quality Pistols
• 44 Magnum (8,594 Tris / 4,438 Verts)
• Beretta M9 (7,158 Tris / 3,727 Verts)
• TT-33 (7,419 Tris / 3,954 Verts)
• (9) Pistol LODs
• 44 Magnum 25% (3,011 Tris / 1,566 Verts)
• 44 Magnum 50% (4,984 Tris / 2,577 Verts)
• 44 Magnum 75% (6,731 Tris / 3,468 Verts)
• Beretta M9 25% (1,787 Tris / 973 Verts)
• Beretta M9 50% (3,567 Tris / 1,898 Verts)
• Beretta M9 75% (5,367 Tris / 2,813 Verts)
• TT-33 25% (1,854 Tris / 1,034 Verts)
• TT-33 50% (3,708 Tris / 2,003 Verts)
• TT-33 75% (5,567 Tris / 2,981 Verts)
• (15) Pistol PBR Textures @ 4096×4096
• Base Color, Metalness, Roughness, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion, for all 3 pistols
• (3) Pistol Skeletal Rigs
• 44 Magnum Skeletal Rig (20 bones)
• Beretta M9 Skeletal Rig (11 bones)
• TT-33 Skeletal Rig (10 bones)
• (15) Pistol Animations (Idle, Sprint, Fire, Reload, Aim Down Sights, for all 3 pistols)
PurePolygons Industrial Prop Set
This pack has been meticulously hand crafted to suit any and all of your needs when it comes to commonly used Industrial Props. All textures have been created using High Poly baking techniques within maya and Zbrush to create the most realistic textures possible.
There are both closed/optimized shipping containers that players cannot enter and Modular open shipping containers with LOD’s. This allows content creators to very simply place pre-made closed containers anywhere in their scene for fast art populating, as well as hand placing modular pieces to precisely fit their gameplay needs.
All of the shaders for both the closed and open containers have the ability to hand-pick any color of your choice and simply overide the material on the static meshes. This allows for creating hundreds of unique variations of these shipping containers so no two in your game will look alike!
The same techniques are applied to all of the barrels in the scene. I have provided closed optimized barrels that can quickly and easily be placed in your scene, as well as open barrels with lids and oil fills. Barrels also have the ability to change the color at any time with the color picking materials! All with LOD’s!
There are also over 9 tarp static meshes that can be placed on the ground and 5 tarp static meshes that have been draped over the shipping containers to add an organic feel to all of the hard surface assets in the scene. All with LOD’s.
Technical Details
Modular Shipping Containers (Hand pick your colors in Engine)
– 4 Container Shells (with LOD’s)
– 2 Container Doors (1 left, 1 right)
– 1 Container Shell cap
1 Decal Sheet included with logos/signs/numbers/details
Closed Shipping Containers (Hand pick your colors in Engine)
– 7 Static Meshes (with LOD’s)
Cloth Tarps (with LOD’s)
– 9 Tarps to be placed on the ground
– 5 Tarps to be placed on Shipping Containers
Barrels (Hand pick color) (With LOD’s)
– 1 Closed Barrel – 1 Open Barrel – 1 Barrel Lid – 1 Oil Fill
Technical Description – (Choose from questions below depending on category)
32 Static Meshes
97 Pre-made Materials (Including Instances and Decals)
Range of Tris (40 – 4500)
Average Tris (Pack Average 400 Tri’s)
Texture Sizes – Standard Texture size of 2048×2048 and some smaller texture of 1024×1024 and 1024×512
Texture Types – (Diffuse, Roughness, Specular, Normal, Height, Color Mask)
Intended Platform – ALL Platforms

