16组树木植物3D模型合辑 MaxTree Plant Models Vol 2

3D 模型16组树木植物3D模型合辑 MaxTree Plant Models Vol 2已关闭评论2,052

16组树木植物3D模型合辑 MaxTree Plant Models Vol 2

本模型是由MaxTree机构出品的16组树木植物3D模型合辑,MaxTree Plant Models Vol 2,大小:6.4 GB,格式:max,jpg,包含16组树木植物3D模型,共广大设计师学习使用。

MaxTree Plant Models Vol 2
Plant Models Vol 2 is a volume of high quality 3D tree model, this volume include 16 tree species and each one have 5 different variations. These models are available for 3DS max 2011 and above, include GrowFX original(need GrowFX 1.98 sp3), FBX, 3DS max format, support Vray, Corona, Octane render.
Here are some main features below:
1.Low detail and High detail models
Each models provides two kinds of precision, Low detail and High detail leaves and flowers. High detail models use opacity textures for leaves and flowers, it keeps more details for close up view, but it’s slower to render than Low detail models.

