12组顶级时尚写真调色特效PS动作 GraphicRiver 12 Fashion Photoshop Actions 7796094

平面素材12组顶级时尚写真调色特效PS动作 GraphicRiver 12 Fashion Photoshop Actions 7796094已关闭评论6,628

12组顶级时尚写真调色特效PS动作 GraphicRiver 12 Fashion Photoshop Actions 7796094

本PS模板是由GraphicRiver机构出品的12组顶级时尚写真调色特效PS动作,GraphicRiver 12 Fashion Photoshop Actions 7796094,大小:30 KB,格式:PSD PNG,包含12组超美时尚写真调色特效PS动作文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

GraphicRiver 12 Fashion Photoshop Actions 7796094
12 Premium Fashion Photoshop Action – Presenting a 12 professional action that can be used for any photo that you have.These action gave you amazing effect and high quality for your photo.In case if you don’t know how to install this action.So, there is Readme file for the support of installing these action.

