唯美模糊虚化背景艺术特效PS动作 Creativemarket Bokeh & Soft Focus Generator Actions 215592

平面素材唯美模糊虚化背景艺术特效PS动作 Creativemarket Bokeh & Soft Focus Generator Actions 215592已关闭评论1,513

唯美模糊虚化背景艺术特效PS动作 Creativemarket Bokeh & Soft Focus Generator Actions 215592

本PS模板是由Creativemarket机构出品的唯美模糊虚化背景艺术特效PS动作,Creativemarket Bokeh & Soft Focus Generator Actions 215592,大小:180 KB,格式:ATN,包含唯美模糊虚化背景艺术特效PS动作文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS6或以上版本。

有时候我们对照片或是图像都需要加一些特效,让其快速变得更多好看,比如添加些复古感觉的色彩、黑白、怀旧等效果,使用这些PS Action你可以很快就能处理你想要的效果,方便好用!

如果对动作不熟最好不播放动作(拉开该动作查看详细步骤能得更多启发)创意也更自由点 动作一般来说只是针对简单的批量处理。

Creativemarket Bokeh & Soft Focus Generator Actions 215592
Action for the amazingly beautiful result. Just try it and see! Make a masterpiece out of any photo with blurred background and magic highlights in one step.

This action has been  working on English version Photoshop. Photo has been in RGB and 8 bit mode.
The best results are obtained in the photo from 1200 up to 3500 pixels on the large side.
1. Double click "Bokeh & Soft Focus.atn"
2. Open the photo in Photoshop.
3. Leave the photo layer locked and set as the "Background".
4. Create a new layer name it "mask" (lowercase).
5. Paint brush in any color that you want to keep clean on the photo.
6. Run action Bokeh & Soft Focus.
7. Wait until the end.
8. Adjust the color and transparency of the layer "Background tone".
9. Hide if you need layers "Blur more" and "Blur background".
10. Adjust the layers in the group "Ajustment/color".
11. Enjoy the result!

