超经典室内家居设计3D模型场景合辑 3darcshop 10 Sample interior from vol 07

3D 模型超经典室内家居设计3D模型场景合辑 3darcshop 10 Sample interior from vol 07已关闭评论1,176

超经典室内家居设计3D模型场景合辑 3darcshop 10 Sample interior from vol 07

本合辑是由3darcshop机构出品的超经典室内家居设计3D模型场景合辑,3darcshop 10 Sample interior from vol 07,大小:2 GB,格式:max,jpg,包含室内家居设计3D场景模型,供广大设计师学习使用。

3darcshop 10 Sample interior from vol 07
10 Sample interior from 3darcshop vol 07 consists of 10 interior scenes with various designs and styles.
Minimum system specification: Quad Core PC with 4GB (8GB recommended) of ram and 64bit system.
Available formats :
V-Ray *.max – 1.5 or higher – with textures and shaders
*.max (3ds Max 2012 or higher, 3DS MAX 2012 64bit recommended)

