PS超现实艺术场景特效合成技术视频教程 Tutsplus How to Create a Surreal Scene With Photo Manipulation

学习教程PS超现实艺术场景特效合成技术视频教程 Tutsplus How to Create a Surreal Scene With Photo Manipulation已关闭评论1,511

PS超现实艺术场景特效合成技术视频教程 Tutsplus How to Create a Surreal Scene With Photo Manipulation

本视频教程是由Tutsplus机构出品的PS超现实艺术场景特效合成技术视频教程,Tutsplus How to Create a Surreal Scene With Photo Manipulation,时长:2小时20分,大小:1.3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Lewis Moorhead,共12个章节,语言:英语。


Tutsplus How to Create a Surreal Scene With Photo Manipulation
Photo manipulation is the art of transforming ordinary photos into something alluring, unexpected and totally out of the box. In this course, we’ll be taking you out of the box as you will be creating a surreal scene using photo-manipulation techniques in Adobe Photoshop. The course will cover everything from adjusting lighting and composition to creating atmosphere and sharpening your image ready for print or web. So fire up Adobe Photoshop and let’s get started!
