《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush

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ZBrush这个软件就不用多说了吧,ZBrush 是一个强有力的数字艺术创造工具。它是按照世界领先的特效工作室和全世界范围内的游戏设计者的需要,以一种精密的结合方式开发成功的,它提供了极其优秀的功能和特色,可以极大地增强你的创造力。 在建模方面,ZBrush可以说是一个极其高效的建模器。它进行了相当大的优化编码改革,并与一套独特的建模流程相结合,可以让你制作出令人惊讶的复杂模型。无论是从中级到高分辨率的模型,你的任何雕刻动作都可以瞬间得到回应。还可以实时的进行不断的渲染和着色。 对于绘制操作,ZBrush增加了新的范围尺度,可以让你给基于像素的作品增加深度,材质,光照和复杂精密的渲染特效,真正实现了2D与3D的结合,模糊了多边形与像素之间的界限,让你为它的多变而惊讶,兴奋不已。ZBrush是一款新型的CG软件,它的优秀的Z球建模方式,不但可以做出优秀的静帧,而且也参与了很多电影特效、游戏的制作过程(大家熟悉的指环王III,半条命II都有ZB的参与)。它可以和其他的软件,如max、maya、xsi合作做出令人瞠目的细节效果。现在,越来越多的CGer都想来了解ZB。一旦你们学习了ZB肯定都会一发不可收拾,因为ZB的魅力实在是难以抵挡的,ZB的建模方式将会是将来CG软件的发展方向。

《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2
《Digital Tutors系列教程之ZBrush系列》Digital Tutors In ZBrush-图片2

Digital.Tutors.Detailing.Next-gen.Characters.In.Zbrush(3CD in 1)
Learn a production workflow and time-saving techniques for creating high-resolution geometry for use in games, methods of sculpting, generating and applying maps, and adding character enhancements for appeal. Contains over 5 hours of project-based training for artists learning the creative processes of modeling and sculpting characters for next-generation games.

Digital.Tutors.Exaggerated.Facial.Modeling.In Maya.And.ZBrush(1CD)
earn organic modeling techniques and a production workflow to creating clean topology, adding definition, exaggerating proportions, and strategically adding detail to create animatable geometry using Maya and ZBrush. Contains nearly 5 hours of project-based training for artists learning character creation and look development for use in Film and Games.

Learn time-saving rendering techniques and proven workflows to understanding and utilizing materials, lighting, post-processes, and features such as Matcap in ZBrush 3.1. Contains over 3 hours of project-based training covering materials, lighting, and rendering techniques that are currently being used throughout Film and Games. Perfect for artists using ZBrush 3.

Digital.Tutors.Pipeline.Integration.With.Maya.And.ZBrush.3(2CD in 1)
Learn a production approach to integrating Maya and ZBrush 3 in a mixed pipeline environment. Contains 4 hours of innovative modeling, sculpting, and map generating techniques that are commonly used throughout Film and Games. Perfect for intermediate artists using Maya and ZBrush 3.

Learn an artist-friendly workflow to sculpting caricatures and an array of practical techniques for exaggerating key characteristics, working with art direction, and capturing believable likenesses of your subjects in ZBrush. Provides over 6 hours of project-driven training for artists using ZBrush for sculpting and illustration.

Digital.Tutors.Sculpting.Techniques.With.ZBrush.3(2CD in 1)
Achieve unparalleled results using ZBrush 3. Learn several time-saving modeling and digital sculpting techniques that are widely used throughout the Film and Games industries. Contains over 4 hours of project-based training. Great for new to intermediate artists.

Digital.Tutors.Texturin.With.ZBrush.3(2CD in 1)
Learn a production-tested approach to texture painting and generating normal and displacement maps with ZBrush 3.1. Contains nearly 4 hours of time-saving texturing and sculpting techniques that are are widely being used throughout Film and Games. Perfect for new and intermediate artists using ZBrush.

Digital.Tutors.Texturing.Next-Gen.Characters.In.ZBrush(2CD in 1)
Learn a production workflow and time-saving methods for creating game-ready textured characters, texture painting techniques, and adding character enhancements for appeal. Contains over 4 hours of project-based training for artists learning the creative processes of texturing characters for next-generation games.

Digital.Tutors.ZSphere.Modeling.In.ZBrush(2CD in 1)
Learn a time-saving workflow to modeling with ZSpheres and building complex organic models using production-applicable tools and techniques. Contains over 4 hours of project-based training for artists modeling with ZBrush.
