Photoshop色彩高级运用技巧视频教程 Tutsplus Working With Color in Adobe Photoshop

学习教程Photoshop色彩高级运用技巧视频教程 Tutsplus Working With Color in Adobe Photoshop已关闭评论2,077

Photoshop色彩高级运用技巧视频教程 Tutsplus Working With Color in Adobe Photoshop

本视频教程是由Tutsplus机构出品的Photoshop色彩高级运用技巧视频教程,Tutsplus Working With Color in Adobe Photoshop,时长:1小时18分,大小:1.3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Kirk Nelson,共18个章节,语言:英语。


Tutsplus Working With Color in Adobe Photoshop
Any artist will tell you that the use of color is a major component of the design process, regardless of the medium. Digital art and photography are no exceptions. Color can be powerful and evocative, but only if you know how to use it properly.
In this course you will learn about the basics of color theory. We will then take a look at the different ways Photoshop handles colors using color modes, and what the advantages and disadvantages are. After that we will use this knowledge to assemble a colorful and vibrant digital scene, using several different techniques for controlling color in Photoshop.
