PS与AI复古浮雕古建筑实例绘制视频教程 Digital-Tutors Implementing Bas-Relief Techniques in Photoshop and Illustrator

学习教程PS与AI复古浮雕古建筑实例绘制视频教程 Digital-Tutors Implementing Bas-Relief Techniques in Photoshop and Illustrator已关闭评论1,943

PS与AI复古浮雕古建筑实例绘制视频教程 Digital-Tutors Implementing Bas-Relief Techniques in Photoshop and Illustrator

本教程是由PluralSight机构出品的PS与AI复古浮雕古建筑实例绘制视频教程,Digital-Tutors Implementing Bas-Relief Techniques in Photoshop and Illustrator,时长:5小时29分,大小:1.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop CC 2015,Illustrator CC 2015,Painter 2015,作者:Valp Maciej Hajnrich,共29个章节,语言:英语。


Adobe Illustrator是一种应用于出版、多媒体和在线图像的工业标准矢量插画的软件,作为一款非常好的图片处理工具,Adobe Illustrator广泛应用于印刷出版、专业插画、多媒体图像处理和互联网页面的制作等,也可以为线稿提供较高的精度和控制,适合生产任何小型设计到大型的复杂项目。

Digital-Tutors Implementing Bas-Relief Techniques in Photoshop and Illustrator
In this Photoshop and Illustrator tutorial, we’ll learn to create 2D artwork inspired by ancient mythology and apply perspective to our design.
We’ll learn how to paint a fantasy scene from scratch in Photoshop. We’ll use digital painting and photo-manipulation techniques to work with textures.
We’ll also create some effects in Corel Painter to boost our artwork. Some of the key takeaways include learning how to create vector designs from scratch, add perspective and work with vector smart objects, paint bas-relief details and add glow effects, work with color correction layers and add atmospheric effects.
By the end of this Photoshop and Illustrator training, you’ll be more comfortable creating fantasy scenes with bas-relief effect to apply to your own vector design
