Qualoth布料模拟动画Maya插件V4.2-1版 FXGear Qualoth 4.2-1 For MAYA 2011-2016 Win

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Qualoth布料模拟动画Maya插件V4.2-1版 FXGear Qualoth 4.2-1 For MAYA 2011-2016 Win

本插件是由qualoth机构出品的Qualoth布料模拟动画Maya插件V4.2-1版,FXGear Qualoth 4.2-1 For MAYA 2011-2016 Win,大小:27 MB,支持Maya2011-2016软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

QualothFXHair是提供给Maya来模拟运算衣物和头发特效的软体,由韩国公司FXGear所研发出来。Qualoth号称其运算效果比知名的Maya衣物模拟外挂Syflex还要来的更强大,其软体也已广泛运用在如Shrek(史瑞克)、Lineage(天堂)等知名影片制作中。FXHair主要是处理Maya Hair的模拟运算部分。号称可以在与身体作碰撞、加上风力场的情况下,以每三秒一个fram的效率处理3500个Curves(75000控制点)。从官方网站上的展示片来看,其结果是相当惊人,有兴趣的人可以去看看。

FXGear Qualoth 4.2-1 For MAYA 2011-2016 Win
Realistic Cloth Animation More Quickly and Easily
With Qualoth, you will get good results more quickly, not just because it is computationally fast, but also because it produces fail-safe results even when used with the default settings.
Qualoth has been proven in rigorous production environments in some of the biggest 3D animation studios in the world.
Qualoth’s sophisticated physical model and numerical algorithms produce realistic wrinkles and fabric animation, and its fully multi-threaded solver realizes unmatched computational speed. Reliable collision handling and a rich set of controls allow you to spend more time and effort on creative work, rather than tedious troubleshooting.

