Houdini电影特效制作软件V15.0.244.16版 Side Effects Software Houdini 15 Win64

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Houdini电影特效制作软件V15.0.244.16版 Side Effects Software Houdini 15 Win64

本软件是由sidefx机构出品的Houdini电影特效制作软件V15.0.244.16版,Side Effects Software Houdini 15 Win64,大小:640 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Houdini Master(电影特效魔术师)是Side Effects Software的旗舰级产品,是创建高级视觉效果的终极工具,因为它的横跨公司的整个产品线的能力,Houdini Master为那些想让电脑动画更加精彩的艺术家们空前的能力和工作效率。许多电影特效都是由它完成:指环王中“甘道夫”放的那些“魔法礼花”,还有“水马”冲垮“戒灵”的场面,后天中的龙卷风等等,a52的汽车广告,反正只要是涉及DD公司制作的好莱坞一线大片,几乎都会有Houdini参与和应用。

Houdini 是一个特效方面非常强大的软件,主要面对的是电影工业的特效制作与合成。与其他如3DS Max/After Effects等三维动画、特效合成软件不同的是,Houdini是一个节点软件,节点的操作具有非常强的逻辑性,同时它也是一个动态的建模软件,通过一个个节点和命令将各种对象组合在一起,在应对含有非常多的视觉元素的影视特效合成时通过节点的操作更加容易管理成千上万的视觉元素,而其它通过层来操作视觉元素的特效合成软件如After Effects在面对成千上万个视觉元素时显然是不现实的。许多电影特效都是由它完成:指环王中“甘道夫”放的那些“魔法礼花”还有“水马”冲垮“戒灵”的场面......后天中的龙卷风的场面等等,a52的汽车广告.反正只要是涉及DD公司制作的好莱坞一线大片,几乎都会有Houdini参与和应用.

Side Effects Software Houdini 15 Win64
TORONTO: OCTOBER 15, 2015 – Just nine months after artists first got their hands on Houdini 14, Side Effects Software has announced the release of Houdini 15 with onion skinning, new shader building tools, crowd ragdolls and Houdini Engine 2.0. This new version enhances modeling, rendering and animation tools to meet the needs of generalists, animators, lighters, and game makers while the VFX tools become faster, more scalable and more efficient at handling big data.
“With this release, Side Effects is working hard to bring Houdini’s modeling, rendering and animation tools up to the level of its VFX tools,” says Kim Davidson, President and CEO, Side Effects Software. “With more game studios creating content using procedural techniques and commercial studios looking for artist-friendly tools, Houdini 15 offers a well-rounded solution.”

