Digital Film数字影视特效插件合辑V10.2015版 Digital Film Tools Bundle Win 10.2015

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Digital Film数字影视特效插件合辑V10.2015版 Digital Film Tools Bundle Win 10.2015

本合辑是由digitalfilmtools机构出品的Digital Film数字影视特效插件合辑V10.2015版,Digital Film Tools Bundle Win 10.2015,大小:410 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

DFT公司的伟大的工程师和艺术家们凭借着数百部广告、影片和电视包装制作的经验,创建了用于视频编辑的功能强大的视觉效果插件。在MASK方面,使用他们独有的EZ Mask和matte技术,可对需要编辑的图像区域进行选择性的操作,即使图像包含有复杂的细节和边缘(如毛发、烟雾等)也能很好地进行工作。

1、Composite Suite:专有合成、matte、色彩校正、灯光效果等。
2、EZ Mask:几乎可以提取图像中的任意一个对象,无论是毛发、烟雾还是其他更为复杂的细节。
3、Film Stocks:探讨了288种不同的电影胶片特效及其历史记录。
6、Power Matte:即便是对于难以提取的图像内容来说也是非常易于使用的抠像功能。
7、Power Stroke:基于Stroke的有针对性的着色、光效、调色以及模糊特效等。
11、Tiffen DFX:胶片滤镜特效,可创建自然光和自然色。

Adobe After Effects CS5,CS6,CC,CC2015
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5,CS6,CC,CC2015
Adobe Photoshop(仅支持64位系统)
Avid Editing Systems(仅支持64位系统)
Sony Vegas v13及更高版本
The Foundry’s Nuke v8及更高版本

Digital Film Tools Bundle Win 10.2015
Digital Film Tools brings together the unbeatable combination of superior software designers, motion picture visual effects veterans, video editors and photographers. Add three Emmy Awards and experience in creating visual effects for hundreds of feature films, commercials and television shows and you have a recipe for success. The understanding of photography, film and video editing, and in particular visual effects, allows us to design productive and highly specialized software. Software that is useful as well as easy to use.
One Film Stocks photo plug-in license will allow it to run in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Apple Aperture if installed on the same machine.
One Film Stocks video/film plug-in license will allow it to run in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro (including FCPX), Apple Motion 5 and Avid Editing Systems if installed on the same machine.

Includes :
• DFT Composite Suite Pro v2.0v5
• DFT FilmStocks v2.0v7
• DFT Rays v2.0v6
• DFT Light v4.0v4
• DFT Tiffen Dfx v4.0v8
• DFT zMatte v4.0v5
• DFT reFine v2.0v6
• DFT PhotoCopy v2.0v5
