iPhone 6s三维模具样机PSD模板 Creativemarket iPhone 6s with 3D Touch Mockup 375322

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iPhone 6s三维模具样机PSD模板 Creativemarket iPhone 6s with 3D Touch Mockup 375322

本PS模板是由Graphicriver机构出品的iPhone 6s三维模具样机PSD模板,Creativemarket iPhone 6s with 3D Touch Mockup 375322,大小:20 MB,格式:PSD,分辨率:2500x2500,包含iPhone 6s三维模具样机PSD模板文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS5或以上版本。

Creativemarket iPhone 6s with 3D Touch Mockup 375322
Unio proudly introduce this marvelous ultra-detailed iPhone 6s with 3d Touch Mockup. It comes in gold and rose gold colors.
A great mock-up you can use to showcase your latest mobile app or website on the screen of an iPhone 6s with the extra feature of 3D Touch.
Files included: Apple iPhone 6s with 3d Touch
Formats: (.psd) layered file
Size: 2500x2500px, 72dpi
Shadows/Reflections Switch On/Off
Apple 3D Touch Switch On/Off

